Drive Club release date?


PSLS Level: Newbie
So apparently the "driveclub" twiter account just tweeted a possible release date of the game 9.04.14, it got removed as soon as posted, check out the source link:

Now, if it's turns out to be a legitimate release date , would it be Sept or April 14 ? April seems the more plausible but who knows ? we're always out of surprises with games development.


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As Evolution are UK based, the date is likely April 9th, not September 4th. Plus April 9th is a Wednesday - the day the EU store updates and is a likely candidate for PS+ IGC update day...
As Evolution are UK based, the date is likely April 9th, not September 4th. Plus April 9th is a Wednesday - the day the EU store updates and is a likely candidate for PS+ IGC update day...
I would hope for April and not September. This game was originally supposed to be a launch title...
Please, please let it be April. I've been waiting since release day. I'm happy they took the time to polish it though, I would rather have a great game in April than a crap game in November.
i love this game since they show us @ gamescon, but i feel im cheating Gran Turismo and i dont like it xD

pd. sry Kaz but im buying this game :)
rumor is they have been workin on making this game compatable to the VR Headset.Which is also rumored to be announced at GDC next month. so maybe if that is true they will give a release date with that ....
First rule of Drive Club is you don't talk about Drive Club Release Date... Yes I know it was corny
Yeah that rumor now seems less likely to be true with that recent news on Drive club back to "drawing boards".
To be honest they can't push the release date to fall, it's gotta be between now and june. Oh well with the amount of games that is currently coming out who will moan?

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