New member gaming strong for 23 Years


PSLS Level: Newbie
Hi guys, I'm new to this forum, playing watch dogs atm, great game. Been gaming for 23 years now, my first console was a Atari lol, those were the days & my uncle introduced me to the Nintendo entertainment system. After playing NES that night I wanted a upgrade & my dad & mum got me a Sega Master System, fun times, Alex the kid, duck hunt, so many favourites. I finally got my NES about 6 months later & hooked on mario games, duck hunt & Zelda. Gaming always got the family together hours of fun.
I'm really into RPG games, Zelda, secret of mana, FF series etc, was a Nintendo boy right up till the first PS1, then my loyalty changed but my love for games continued. I drive a truck as my day job, gym right after, kids family & try to get at least an hour for my games, not always possible now, since my little girl discovered she can take the controls off me for Injustice lol. Sorry for the long winded intro & happy gaming, please check out a short video of me mucking around on watch dogs
Welcome to the forums Mario and please, be long-winded as much as you want :)

I moved your Killzone and Watch Dogs articles into their respective game forums. Look forward to talking more with you in the future.
Welcome to the forums @Mario2170!!! Glad to have you here as a part of the PSLS Community. Feel free to ask any questions that you may have, there are plenty of us here that are willing to help you with any issues you may be having with the forums. :)

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