Top 5 Reasons TMNT Movie Will BLOW


Staff member
1. Michael Bay.. I don't really need to add anything other than his name. He and M. Night Shamalyamyn can go jump off a cliff together.

2. Meagan Fox, whose only considerable talent is her body, which is no reason to pay someone as an "actress".

3. The turtles have been transformed from a turtle to something resembling the Goomba's from the Super Mario Bros. movie.

4. The voice work from the trailers are laughable

5. Did I already mention Michael Bay is heading this up?

Anyway, this thread was brought on by the trailer which actually looks semi decent but I have learned not to trust Michael Bay movies..

I am sure most of you will love this movie and praise it as some awesome action flick. I just cannot get past my childhood memories and how this will almost surely try and ruin them. I am surprised he didn't change the turtles into foxes or bears..
I take it you don't like Michael Bay? :p

In all seriousness though I think the movie could be ok. The trailer was ok. For those that haven't seen it, here it is:

I'm looking forward to it. The TMNT origin story has been re-done so many times, it works for me. They never said Shredder made the Turtles in the trailer - it sounds like they were working on a super-human serum and it probably leaked in the sewer and mutated the turtles. The Serum is probably dangerous, and morally questionable and probably had some military contract that went sour and now the research company is a mercenary org run by shredder. That leads into them using their research to make a super-army and taking over the city. It all works for me, and I don't mind Bay being a producer (note: NOT the director). I don't MIND Megan Fox being April. I think it's pretty lame to say it'll blow based on those two people.

And the design of the Turtles look cool - like they're armor being pieced together from trash and scrap, and their physique being shaped by the serum. The trailer was a bad cut, with early special effect and unpolished voice-overs (like nearly every first-run special effect-heavy action movie trailer), but it wasn't awful.
I think it's pretty lame to say it'll blow based on those two people.

How is that lame? I have disliked almost everything that Michael Bay has been a part of recently and Meagan Fox is not a good actress. The only way she is a good actress is if you revert back to the movies where there was no sound and she just posed in hot outfits the whole movie.
Finally someone who understands me!

I feel like Micheal Bay is once again RAPING my childhood like he did with transformers. since the movie is made by him we probably gonna see more explosions then acting, hear crappy sound effects, and at some point a mention of aliens. and why is Meagan working with him again anyways? didn't she declare that she disliked him and would never work with him again?
I feel like Micheal Bay is once again RAPING my childhood like he did with transformers. since the movie is made by him we probably gonna see more explosions then acting, hear crappy sound effects, and at some point a mention of aliens. and why is Meagan working with him again anyways? didn't she declare that she disliked him and would never work with him again?

I hate it when Hollywood does this shit.
I'm looking forward to this movie, if only for the sake of nostalgia. I'm hoping that it doesn't ruin how I remember the Turtles being, but hey, we'll always have the '80's movies if that's the case (minus the 3rd one).
I'm looking forward to this movie, if only for the sake of nostalgia. I'm hoping that it doesn't ruin how I remember the Turtles being, but hey, we'll always have the '80's movies if that's the case (minus the 3rd one).

I didn't mind the 3rd one, though the 2nd one is the best.
I seems to me like they are going more in line with the original comic version of the TMNT. I am fine with Bay as producer. He isn't directing so he isn't going to have full control over the movie. Megan Fox is a horrible actress though and fully dislike the casting choice of her as April. One thing that does bug me is how tall they are in the trailer. I remember them being shorter than that.
How did everyone feel about the TMNT movie that didn't use real people and was more animated that came out so many years ago?
I didn't mind the 3rd one, though the 2nd one is the best.

It's not that I thought the 3rd one was horrible, I just didn't think it was as good as the first two. Personally, the first is my favorite because it was a little more dark and gritty.
The only way she is a good actress is if you revert back to the movies where there was no sound and she just posed in hot outfits the whole movie.

:oops: Yeah... so... If you could give me a list of these movies, that would be great. I need to do some "research" on her acting skills. o_O

Also, after seeing the trailer, I had higher expectations of it. Granted, my expectations were non existent before the trailer. But since Shia Labeouf isn't in this, I might actually get to see where this Michael Bay hatred is stemming from.

Yeah the CGI one. I believe that was the most recent one. It was pretty good overall.

I might have to check it out then. I wrote it off thinking I was too old for TMNT. But you can never be too old for them.
:oops: Yeah... so... If you could give me a list of these movies, that would be great. I need to do some "research" on her acting skills. o_O

Also, after seeing the trailer, I had higher expectations of it. Granted, my expectations were non existent before the trailer. But since Shia Labeouf isn't in this, I might actually get to see where this Michael Bay hatred is stemming from.

I might have to check it out then. I wrote it off thinking I was too old for TMNT. But you can never be too old for them.
It's ones of those shows you grew up with. Hell if it's on television I'm watching it. Same with X-Men, Spider-Man, and even Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (original show only). The list goes on for other old school shows I would watch when on TV.
It's ones of those shows you grew up with. Hell if it's on television I'm watching it. Same with X-Men, Spider-Man, and even Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (original show only). The list goes on for other old school shows I would watch when on TV.

If the ones I grew up with are on, I'll check them out. But the remakes don't draw me as strongly. I've been meaning to go watch The Peabody and Sherman Movie forever but I've been too focused on the backlog... Power Rangers is dead and gone, though. I'd like to let that part of my past lie in the grave.

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