Recent content by McBee

  1. McBee

    Cel Damage HD Giveaway - Super Easy Contest Edition

    I need an alternative to modern medicine for my boys' hyper activity, this seems like this would be the feeding endless smokes to a smoker method
  2. McBee

    Cel Damage HD Giveaway - Super Easy Contest Edition

    I have 5 kids under 10 throw me a bone !!
  3. McBee

    Cel Damage HD Giveaway - Super Easy Contest Edition

    PSN should figure out a way for you to marry all of your couch co-op games into the same launcher/UI so you can jump from Towerfall to Sportfriends to Cel Damage to Nithogg
  4. McBee

    Cel Damage HD Giveaway - Super Easy Contest Edition

    Not sure if my post last night was for yesterday or today, I am buying move wands for sport friends does cel damage support wands? Like if my kids hit each other with the wands will their cars find each other? Revolutionary gameplay so real it hurts!
  5. McBee

    Cel Damage HD Giveaway - Super Easy Contest Edition

    Seems like it would be a fun game to play with my 9 and 10 year old boys
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