Amazon Buying Xbox?


PSLS Level: Silver
Yeah you read it right. There have been numerous rumors about the online retailer buying Xbox from Microsoft. Though it has already been dismissed as ridiculous.


Given that it has already been denies. What would you think this would do to the gaming industry? If anything at all. Would the effects be positive or negative.
Given that the Xbox brand seems to be more focused on the mass marketable side of video games, I don't know that much would change. Amazon could carry that legacy forward with a fair amount of ease. It could impact how the retailer sells PlayStation merch however.
I can't see that happening, not sure Amazon has that kind of money. Wonder what the asking price would be.
Amazon bought a newspaper just because...

They got money.

It would be amazing and epic in so many ways.

1. Amazon Cloud integration (probably cloud saves too)
2. They would use a firmware to make the hard drives easier to upgrade.
3. They would profit tons off of Xbox Live Gold, and probably bundle Xbox Live Gold with Amazon Prime
4. Audible integration
5. Cross-platform digital purchases (buy your games from Amazon get PSN voucher too)
6. They'd probably throw a bunch of money at Indie Upstarts and be like HEY make great games!
7. Eventually they'd start buying out good developers that were managed poorly and making great games if not exclusives.
8. Probably eventually branch out into a Linux Based gaming machine when the Xbox Live widdled down and they find a niche' to go for.

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