Better late than never...


PSLS Level: Newbie
Greetings all!

I'm a little late to the party but better late than never.

I've been a Playstation fan since the PSX(1) but have been gaming since the Atari 2600 days. Aaaaaaand I just showed my age... Over the years I have owned every Sony console to date, including currently owning a PS3, Vita, and a day 1 PS4. I like pretty much all types of games with RPG and Adventure (Uncharted, Last of Us) type games being my favorites.

My PSN ID is Tehldor, feel free to add me as a friend. That's a name that I came up with back when I played AD&D regularly in high school. Been using it ever since. He was a mage and was called Tehldor of the Apocalypse, hence the Apocalypse tag on here.

I've also been a fan of PSLS for a couple of years now through the Pulse app on Android. I already miss daily reaction and hope Seb is doing well and returns soon. I have replied to several articles under my Twitter name, MBurgess1971.

I look forward to talking with you guys about the Playstation brand for years to come and thanks for bringing back the forums!
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