DEEP DOWN! Where art thou?


PSLS Level: Newbie
Anyone know what's going on with Deep down and an indie title called the Forest? I can't find any news?
This just dropped 2 days ago my friend.

"It seems Capcom is still committed to the game though, judging by the recent trademark renewal in the US. The Japanese publisher renewed the game’s trademark with the US Patent and Trademark Office earlier this week.

The last time Capcom talked about Deep Down was almost a year ago. Back then, Yoshinori Ono said the game needed more time, and was a lot different from what was shown in 2013."

I am immensely eager for new IPs and I have been pondering the over-saturation of all of the reboots and prolonged sequels. Capcom will make a buttload of money off of SFV and I think it will be a nice addition to the franchise. However, the larger trends in development, such as the slow crawl just to get games released is somewhat discouraging. We, the gamers, wait 2-3 years after an initial announcement still to receive a mediocre game full of empty promises. You may be very right about this Stephen and you make me sad. I am sitting here discussing the negative behaviors and trends in the current generation of platform gaming and it is disheartening.
I am immensely eager for new IPs and I have been pondering the over-saturation of all of the reboots and prolonged sequels. Capcom will make a buttload of money off of SFV and I think it will be a nice addition to the franchise. However, the larger trends in development, such as the slow crawl just to get games released is somewhat discouraging. We, the gamers, wait 2-3 years after an initial announcement still to receive a mediocre game full of empty promises. You may be very right about this Stephen and you make me sad. I am sitting here discussing the negative behaviors and trends in the current generation of platform gaming and it is disheartening.

PS4 has some great new IP lined up for 2016 in addition to sequels/reboots that, let's be honest, are going to be fantastic as well. Horizon, Alienation, No Man's Sky, The Last Guardian, Drawn to Death, Dreams, Hellblade, Paragon etc. That's actually a pretty impressive list to accompany the likes Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted 4, Gran Turismo Sport.

Expect Sony to define PS4 this year at E3. Between new IP and PlayStation VR, there will be a breath of fresh air.

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