Did anyone else order the Collector's Edition for < $60?


PSLS Level: Kraken
PSLS Ambassador

Earlier today, Best Buy USA listed the Collector's Edition for $59.99, and Gamers Club Unlocked members got it for 20% off. Now the "preorder now" link says "coming soon." I was fortunate enough to catch the deal pretty quickly and take advantage of it, and the My Best Buy Elite Plus membership status that I have granted me free expedited shipping. Did anyone else get the chance to order it?

Nope, says page not found now. Bummer. Crossing fingers yours doesn't get canceled!
There will be HELLL to pay if it is!! You should have heard some of the convos I had with customer service after they wouldn't let my wife pick up my preorder of Ni No Kuni (that she ordered for me birthday), and then the subsequent ones when they 'forgot' to give me the preorder bonuses. After saying they 'forgot,' they also told me that they 'ran out of them.' When it was all said and done, I got a $20 gift card in the mail, and 3 vouchers for familiars.
Nope, I missed it. Pretty bummed since i have GCU as well. Damn me for actually playing games and not just posting about them at the computer.
Nope, I missed it. Pretty bummed since i have GCU as well. Damn me for actually playing games and not just posting about them at the computer.
I seriously just happened to be looking at Twitter a few minutes after the article was tweeted, and then speedily tried to order in case it was a mistake. hahahaha

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