Greetings from the Sirius system!


PSLS Level: Newbie
Hey everyone. Good ol' siriusbee here.

Currently playing on PS4:
* Destiny
* Diablo III
* Hohokum

Long-term favorites on PS3:
* Wipeout HD
* Motorstorm: Apocalypse
* Crash Commando
* Gravity Crash

Most looking forward to in the near future:
* DriveClub
* Bayonetta 2 (OH NOES AN ALIEN SYSTEM!)
* Civilization: Beyond Earth

Look forward to Great discussions with all of you!
Welcome aboard @siriusbee! Major props for plugging a Wii-U game. I'm inching closer toward buying one for Hyrule Warriors, Bayonetta 2, and the next Fatal Frame game. I want that Yoshi game where the world is made of yarn, too. Damn you, Nintendo!!
Welcome to the forums, not only did you insert a Wii-U game, but a PC game as well. Civilization has always been a series that I've enjoyed, it will be interesting to play Beyond Earth and see how it holds up.
Hello siriusbee! Welcome to Playstation Lifestyle!

I think we may be twins separated at birth! Either that, or my mother was a little too friendly with the mailman...
Anyways, My 2 favorite games for the PS4 right now are Destiny and Diablo III.
Loved Wipeout HD and all the motorstorm games. I'm sort a racing nut so I like all of them anyways.
I am also looking forward to DriveClub, The Crew, The Order and hopefully getting a Wii U this Christmas for MarioKart 8, Bayonetta 2, Hyrule Warriors, Zelda etc.

Didn't know there was a new Civilization coming out already! I was planning on getting the last one. Haven't played one in a while.

My PSN I.D. : Shawdad

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