Hawkpack Resource Pack


PSLS Level: Newbie
The Hawkpack is like an upgrade to the default Minecraft pack. It takes all the simplicity of the default pack, saturates it, and smooths it out to a fine finish. It’s very clean and distinct.

The Hawkpack Resource Pack for Minecraft 1.8.8, 1.7.10 and 1.7.2 is a texture pack made by the developer: ‘haakonhawk’. This texture packs aim, if you will, is to make Minecraft look more aesthetically pleasing but not through the use of realistic textures. This will give Minecraft a smooth, professional look that will perform greatly at all aspect ratios. Many of the textures that have been used are well created, not to mention frequent updates and bug fixes. If you are looking for a simple, solid and reliable texture pack then I recommend the Hawkpack Texture Pack!

  • One of the main features of this texture pack is the progression through quality. For example, the texture for a diamond sword is noticeably different to that of a wooden sword. Unlike many texture packs in which only the color changes, the Hawkpack Texture Pack altars the whole look.
  • The aim to not implement realism into this texture pack allows for smooth and almost cartoon-like textures! This really does emphasies Minecrafts vanilla look, and can be beautiful when combined with a simple Shaders pack!
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