Hello PPL


PSLS Level: Newbie
hey hello PPL, whats up.

Have been here on PSLS for a while but just yesterday made into the forums.

I play mostly RPGs or RTS, my ID is Lannando if u want to add me, i have a PS3 and a PS Vita and m saving for a PS4
Glad you finally joined the forums.. hope to have many conversations and arguments with ya.
Welcome to the forums, i like a little bit of everything game genre wise. Hope to hear from ya here on the forums! Your comments are always welcome, so don't be afraid to voice your thoughts.
Welcome to the PSLS forums, @lannando! What kinds of RPGs do you like? Word around the campfire is that @Lifewish likes SRPGs, so you might be able to serial-stalk him for a while if that's your thing. If you're a Vita guy, check out what all @Borshay has in the Vita / PSP subforum. He creates a lot of content!

Correction, I like all RPGs as long as they are not Western and as long as they don't suck
Welcome to the Forums, I love RPG's myself but have little time to fully enjoy them now a days.
Correction, I like all RPGs as long as they are not Western and as long as they don't suck

same here, but i must say that my tastes are weird

Welcome to the Forums, I love RPG's myself but have little time to fully enjoy them now a days.

I dont dont play much anymore, Jobs fault, maybe 2 or 3 hours.but thats no excuse!

Welcome to the PSLS forums, @lannando! What kinds of RPGs do you like? Word around the campfire is that @Lifewish likes SRPGs, so you might be able to serial-stalk him for a while if that's your thing.

I did, he has all lego games know to man Plate'd

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