JOIN MY PODCAST!!!! (or help me form a new one)

Hugo Stiglitz

PSLS Level: Bronze
So me and 3 other guys from the forums here have been doing an unofficial Playstation Lifestyle podcast for almost 2 years now. This purely something we do for fun because we're passionate about gaming and want to discuss it with like minded people

The problem is, half our squad is gone. 1 went to college, the other had a super busy schedule of being on call as a nurse, and being the community manager of this very website and had to quit as well

So we want to find more people to do podcasts with.

We typically do podcasts once a week, and it usually takes from 45 minutes to 90 minutes at most. All you really need to record is a PS4, a PC of some kind, and a couple of mic's to record and chat

Our topics range from talking about games themselves, news, controversial issues, the industry, and the gaming community as a whole.

If you feel like you would enjoy doing something like that. We would love to have you join us (or us join you??)

Here's what I have edited of our podcast so far:
Brian and Hugo are great guys with plenty of gaming knowledge to share so help them out PSLS!

Good luck boys.

PS: I actually work in IT now and no longer in transplant! Less on call but more work!

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