New member here in the Forum. Hello everyone!


PSLS Level: Newbie
Hello and good day... or night. I am kinda new to this forum thingy and I thought I should introduce myself.

I am Bilal, and I am from Philippines. Almost all my friends in real life is a fakes so I resumed from indulging myself in games and animes.

That's all, LOL, thank you for reading :)
Welcome to the PSLS Forums!

What consoles do you game on?

Our PS1 broke when I was still 8 years old. I played a lot of fighting and shooting games in it like Syphon Filter, Evil Zone, Tekken, and Street Fighter (maybe? IDK)

I also have a PS3 and I played Gran(d??) Turismo even though I suck at it. Assassin's Creed, Red Dead Redemption, Tekken 6(?), and UFC something.

I ordered a PSVita as a gift for myself, I can't wait for it to arrive :3
Our PS1 broke when I was still 8 years old. I played a lot of fighting and shooting games in it like Syphon Filter, Evil Zone, Tekken, and Street Fighter (maybe? IDK)

I also have a PS3 and I played Gran(d??) Turismo even though I suck at it. Assassin's Creed, Red Dead Redemption, Tekken 6(?), and UFC something.

I ordered a PSVita as a gift for myself, I can't wait for it to arrive :3

Sounds awesome! The community here has played just about everything out there so if you're looking for recommendations you've come to the right place!

PS: You're in for a real treat with the Vita. Most underrated piece of hardware out there!
Sounds awesome! The community here has played just about everything out there so if you're looking for recommendations you've come to the right place!

PS: You're in for a real treat with the Vita. Most underrated piece of hardware out there!
Thanks! I guess I'll keep those in mind :)

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