New Vita (Slim PCH-2000)

Are You Going To Pick A New Vita Up?

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PSLS Level: Newbie
The new Vita (Slim PCH-2000) is here in the USA, Its thinner, sleeker and feels like you can play for hours on end with no hand cramps. The men and woman at Sony took charge on this, Its lighter by 15%, thinner by 20% going form 0.73” to 0.59” but feels great, some have said that it feels cheap. Not in my eyes it feels amazing!

The start, select, and the PlayStation home button are now a nice round instead of the slim oval shape. On the back we now have a smaller touch pad and larger grips which may not seam like a lot but it helps with the over all feel of the Vita.

The OLED screen is replaced with a LCD screen. This may look like a draw back but we get an extra 2hrs of extra game play 5hrs extend to 7hrs. The mystery port is now gone as well as the security screws. A new pair of LEDs on top, one that shows the power state & another to show new system notifications. A new 1GB internal storage but its still required to get a memory card i recommend getting the 64GB memory card off Amazon or eBay(not yet available in the USA), its going to run you about 100 USD but it will hold just about any thing you can through at it. You can now charge your Vita with a standard micro USB that is used on a smart phone but I recommend using the supplied adapter.

Over all i say upgrade despite the screen being the biggest media draw back but its really not. Its has a great feeling and if you don't believe me go hold one you will see what I'm talking about you will not regret it

My 1st Review.....
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Already have my Borderlands 2 PS Vita Bundle. The new Vita is pretty awesome. I like the build a lot better. Definitely worth it IMO.
Yea I ended up giving my step son my launch vita when I moved over to xbox and then when the Boarder lands 2 bundle launched I picked it up. And as for the mystery port I believe it was intended to be able to connect the vita to a TV.

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