Politically Correctness


PSLS Level: Bronze
You know I get that a lot of things annoy me and I can't do much to stop them but I swear if I ever stop anything it'll be to abort the term "Politically Correct" from language. Sure it used to mean something good when it was first coined but now? It's just used by offensive idiots who can't make a simple change to avoid offending other people.

Look I'll be the first to admit that some people can jump the gun on a lot of things, I'm a gamer so I'd have to be insane not to admit that there are people out there who want things removed because it personally offends them but that's not what I'm talking about here, I'm talking about simple changes that don't effect us in the slightest, I'm talking about over 90% of main characters being white males (Yes it's this conversation again). I just want to know seriously and honestly, is it so hard for you to talk in a manner of which doesn't offend other people? By which I mean not using derogatory/racial terms. I am tired of the people who go on about how Johnny Storm being black means that now every work of art in existence is going to be changed now as if banning Gollywogs is going to led us into a 21st century version of 1984.

It's like Bob Chipman of Escapist pointed out, the people using this term are assholes using the idea of PC to paint themselves as white knights standing up to oppressive artistic fascism. You're not, you're children who are throwing tantrums because you've suddenly found out you have to share this toybox with other people. The way I see it is simple, I like certain things that can entertain me (read: books, movies, tv shows, video games) and I want everyone to be able to enjoy these things. We should want other people to since it doesn't impact us in any way.
I couldn't agree more. There's a matter of equality, and then there's just being picky and TRYING to find controversy.

So Nathan Drake is a white male, should we bitch and complain that he is not a black female? Or an Asian? Or Spaniard? Not at all. There is a petition open to make Link a black female in the upcoming Zelda game... uh... what? you want to entirely change an established character for the sake of....I'm not sure?

Likewise there are plenty of games that are not 'sexist' in any way, but the moment that even a single game has a female showing skin, the feminists come crawling out of the woodworks to cry misogyny.

There is a point where it can go too far, yes, but there is also a point where those who complain go way too far. If they had their way, every game would be full of emotionless, genderless beings and would be wholly uninteresting, which is completely unlike the varied and interesting world in which we live.

They have to decide, do they want their twisted version of equality in which everyone is the same? Or do they want a level of realism that actually has the kinds of variances that world has in it (including scantilly clad females, white males, etc.)

It's a tough rope to walk, but I agree that I hate hearing everyone cry foul the moment a female character with a low cut top is revealed in a game, or the second the main character ends up being another white male.
As far as gaming goes, there's no such thing as pleasing everybody. Someone is always going to step out and say "this is so sexist, change it now!", or "they made the hero caucasian, how typical change it!" .
It's almost like people are going out of their way to purposely look for a flaw. Why can't people just enjoy the game?
Political correctness should only apply to situations where you have to establish yourself ahead of the herd in a political way.

- Staffing practices
- Press conferences
- Public relations / outreach
- Journalism

Not examples:
- Arts / Entertainment
- Personal interactions with friends
I couldn't agree more. There's a matter of equality, and then there's just being picky and TRYING to find controversy.

So Nathan Drake is a white male, should we bitch and complain that he is not a black female? Or an Asian? Or Spaniard? Not at all. There is a petition open to make Link a black female in the upcoming Zelda game... uh... what? you want to entirely change an established character for the sake of....I'm not sure?

Likewise there are plenty of games that are not 'sexist' in any way, but the moment that even a single game has a female showing skin, the feminists come crawling out of the woodworks to cry misogyny.

There is a point where it can go too far, yes, but there is also a point where those who complain go way too far. If they had their way, every game would be full of emotionless, genderless beings and would be wholly uninteresting, which is completely unlike the varied and interesting world in which we live.

They have to decide, do they want their twisted version of equality in which everyone is the same? Or do they want a level of realism that actually has the kinds of variances that world has in it (including scantilly clad females, white males, etc.)

It's a tough rope to walk, but I agree that I hate hearing everyone cry foul the moment a female character with a low cut top is revealed in a game, or the second the main character ends up being another white male.

Yeah I can't stand that either. I think there should be a more diverse cast in gaming but it's silly to take every games character and go "Well why is Joel white? That's offensive!" The thing is I hate PC on both sides, I hate it when a game like Far Cry 4 is being accused of being racist from the box art alone and I hate it when something is changed in anything and you get these idiots going "Well if Johnny Storm is black now I guess we can have a white Black Panther!"

NOT THE SAME THING. I'd just like a game to be held on it's own merits since it just draw into games reviews, don't get me wrong if a review like say the person from Gamespot who reviewed GTA 5 chooses to draw into some of the controversy say for instance their a woman so they didn't find it as enjoyable as say a man then fine but you get these idiots going "Rate Uncharted badly because it doesn't have woman as a main character!" that's silly, for one Amy Henning was the creative director for the freaking game. Sure Amy hates women, in fact she hates them so much she hatched a genius plan to be born as one.

Although Assassin's Creed Unity annoyed me. One male character ok that's fine everyone's a dude in gaming, second one is a coincidence and the third one's a serial killing getting a little weird and then ok the fourth character's a guy too. What I'm getting at is the problem with Unity isn't that there's no woman, it's that everyone literally looks the same. All four of them look the same and well put it like this.

If Ubisoft is going to claim to be multicultural then shouldn't they be the guys saying "Let's make these four characters look different" but yeah I agree pushing female characters would be silly. Although when I say PC I mean people saying rude and horrible things and then claiming that anyone who tells them off is pushing PC onto them but I hate this too. We shouldn't make games creators too afraid of being attacked for making their own work.
As far as gaming goes, there's no such thing as pleasing everybody. Someone is always going to step out and say "this is so sexist, change it now!", or "they made the hero caucasian, how typical change it!" .
It's almost like people are going out of their way to purposely look for a flaw. Why can't people just enjoy the game?

Personally I think it's up to the creator but it'd be great to see some variation in gaming. I mean we've had a lot of AC Games so it'd be nice to have one female character in the main series.
Personally I think it's up to the creator but it'd be great to see some variation in gaming. I mean we've had a lot of AC Games so it'd be nice to have one female character in the main series.

As a female i would like to agree, however it wouldn't stop me from buying the game, nor would i run around throwing a fit because their isn't. Unlike some gamers out there who feel the need to do so about everything.
Well not every game but well like I mentioned AC:Unity had four characters and they all looked the same.
Well not every game but well like I mentioned AC:Unity had four characters and they all looked the same.
Turns out that all four characters are actually Arno (the main character). When you are playing the game, you are always Arno, so when you play in co-op, everyone sees themselves as Arno, which is why not much development went into making each of these 4 very different from one another.
Turns out that all four characters are actually Arno (the main character). When you are playing the game, you are always Arno, so when you play in co-op, everyone sees themselves as Arno, which is why not much development went into making each of these 4 very different from one another.

So that gives the lazy theory a lot more credit.
So that gives the lazy theory a lot more credit.
It's similar to in Watch Dogs, where the player character is always Aiden, but in other people's games, you appear as a random pedestrian. It's to make the experience seamless for each of the player characters. They remain Arno consistently and the story is constantly theirs, even with the multiplayer. Every player can be the lead without actually having four leads. I think it works for the flow of the story.

Trust me, after seeing this game in action, I can honestly say that nothing about it says "lazy".
I don't mind if a game is mainly or even all male oriented. I see games as somebody's story and I'm just playing through it as their character they created. I do enjoy a variety, but hey, if I got upset every time there isn't a playable female character, I would miss out on a lot of amazing games.
However, games where the main character is supposed to be "you," I do appreciate when I can make a female character, or at least have the choice.
It's similar to in Watch Dogs, where the player character is always Aiden, but in other people's games, you appear as a random pedestrian. It's to make the experience seamless for each of the player characters. They remain Arno consistently and the story is constantly theirs, even with the multiplayer. Every player can be the lead without actually having four leads. I think it works for the flow of the story.

Trust me, after seeing this game in action, I can honestly say that nothing about it says "lazy".

Wait so the way it's going to work is a transition in and out of multiplayer and single-player? See now that explains why all the characters are male why haven't they told us that? This habit of Ubisoft withholding certain information that explains key decisions is not doing them any good. Although to be fair with Far Cry 4 it should have been obvious looking at the FC3 box art and seeing that the guy on the front is the bad guy Vaas.

See this is what I hate about gaming, you've seen it in action so you know there's nothing lazy about AC: Unity but we don't see that. All we see is the excuses Ubisoft came up with so we're left in this vacuum.
Wait so the way it's going to work is a transition in and out of multiplayer and single-player? See now that explains why all the characters are male why haven't they told us that? This habit of Ubisoft withholding certain information that explains key decisions is not doing them any good. Although to be fair with Far Cry 4 it should have been obvious looking at the FC3 box art and seeing that the guy on the front is the bad guy Vaas.

See this is what I hate about gaming, you've seen it in action so you know there's nothing lazy about AC: Unity but we don't see that. All we see is the excuses Ubisoft came up with so we're left in this vacuum.
Agreed. It's a really tough industry to be a part of, but at the same time I love it and wouldn't trade it.
Yeah. I think from a consumer standpoint it's hard to know what is and isn't plausible. At times they lie so much that it's getting hard to tell the truth from the lies. I don't want to hate companies like Ubisoft and EA, I want to be able to enjoy their games.

But you're right I wouldn't trade it for any other industry, the games industry may have it's problems but it's improving. I think moving forward as far as being politically correct goes I think we have to maybe think about if we're bashing an otherwise good game and I think the games companies need to consider what information they put out to the public.

Really what annoys me is ultimately I have no clue what is going on in gaming and I am fine with saying that. I want to know. The thing is telling the truth is less suspicious then not saying anything. If I see something that belongs to you Chandler that's broken and I take it so I can fix it and when you ask where it is I go "I haven't seen it. I don't know" surely that's worst then just telling you the truth. Then again delays don't need excuses. Some guys seem to believe games companies can predict the future.

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