Recruiting gamers for some specific games


PSLS Level: Bronze
Hello gamer friends! I love this community and today I decided to post a recruitment post for some games I'd like to play with someone. (unfortunately my friends aren't interested in these titles only Call of Duty) -_-

Borderlands The Handsome Collection (primary goal!)
Saint's Row IV or Gat out of Hell
Grand Theft Auto Online
Zombie Army trilogy
Minecraft ( to chill after the big amount of killing from shooter games :D )
Elder Scrolls Online (from Tuesday)
AC Unity

If you are interested in the mentioned games feel free to add me : McZoleE
I speak English, French and Hungarian ;)
Hello gamer friends! I love this community and today I decided to post a recruitment post for some games I'd like to play with someone. (unfortunately my friends aren't interested in these titles only Call of Duty) -_-

Borderlands The Handsome Collection (primary goal!)
Saint's Row IV or Gat out of Hell
Grand Theft Auto Online
Zombie Army trilogy
Minecraft ( to chill after the big amount of killing from shooter games :D )
Elder Scrolls Online (from Tuesday)
AC Unity

If you are interested in the mentioned games feel free to add me : McZoleE
I speak English, French and Hungarian ;)

I can help you out with borderlands 2 and destiny if you wish.
I'm always game for destiny. Still haven't done any raid, so any trophy related to those are still needed!
To be honest with you I'm going to buy the game on wednesday, so if you aren't afraid of me being new to Destiny add me on PSN ;)

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