What Is Your Origin ID?

but won't I need the steam box? or is that something entirely different?
The Steam box is essentially a PC with the Steam OS installed on it that you hook up to your TV/monitor. Steam itself is a program you can install on your PC, register/login, purchase games at really good prices from sales (I've gotten some full games for like $2, while on consoles for $30). You can add friends, join groups, etc. You should really try it out, it's free. The same can be said with EA's Origin system, same premise.

The Steam box is essentially a PC with the Steam OS installed on it that you hook up to your TV/monitor. Steam itself is a program you can install on your PC, register/login, purchase games at really good prices from sales (I've gotten some full games for like $2, while on consoles for $30). You can add friends, join groups, etc. You should really try it out, it's free. The same can be said with EA's Origin system, same premise.

Not to mention Steam itself has the Big Screen option. Meaning you can just hook it up to your TV and play as such anyway. The more I read about the Steamboxes, the less impressed I am and the more pointless they seem to me.
Same as everywhere else... Phoenix8387. I don't know what I'm going to do if PSN ever allows me to change it.

I very rarely use Origin, but it does happen on the occasion.

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