Xbox One Deal With Walmart


PSLS Level: Silver
Looks as if Walmart is running a good deal for those on the market for the Xbox One. $499 for the console with your choice of a game (Call of Duty: Ghosts, Madden NFL 25, Battlefield 4, NBA 2K14)
Would you really recommend the system though? Even with that deal going on?

Microsoft's track record is that they make enough good series themselves that you can count them on 1 hand, and then they just throw truck loads of money at developers, at marketing firms, etc, to either just put the "Xbox" logo on the commercial without a PS Logo up, or very small, or they buy exclusivity for like 6 months to a year, and then it comes out on the other platform.

They've already started doing it again where they just throw money at devs to not go multi platform instead of throwing money at creative people with passion and talent to make something unique to the platform.

I'd rather have more Journey's and less Castle Crashes if you get what I mean.
Would you really recommend the system though? Even with that deal going on?

Microsoft's track record is that they make enough good series themselves that you can count them on 1 hand, and then they just throw truck loads of money at developers, at marketing firms, etc, to either just put the "Xbox" logo on the commercial without a PS Logo up, or very small, or they buy exclusivity for like 6 months to a year, and then it comes out on the other platform.

They've already started doing it again where they just throw money at devs to not go multi platform instead of throwing money at creative people with passion and talent to make something unique to the platform.

I'd rather have more Journey's and less Castle Crashes if you get what I mean.
I definitely get what you are saying. The system is definitely not for everyone. Am I happy with my Xbox One? Yes, very much so. Is it my primary gaming console? Nope, that's what my PS4 is for. It all depends what you are looking for with a console. If it doesn't appeal to you then don't purchase it. That's why I like multiple consoles on the market, something for everybody. :)
I definitely get what you are saying. The system is definitely not for everyone. Am I happy with my Xbox One? Yes, very much so. Is it my primary gaming console? Nope, that's what my PS4 is for. It all depends what you are looking for with a console. If it doesn't appeal to you then don't purchase it. That's why I like multiple consoles on the market, something for everybody. :)

If someone's a Call of Duty fan though don't they already have it?

Can't they just do the Digital Upgrade for like $10 to jump up to this generation? So unless you're wanting a sports game, I'm just confused at who this is aimed at... Someone who didn't buy a console last generation, but wants Call of Duty Ghosts on this generation or a sports title...

Or I guess people can be stupid and not realize that they get a digital upgrade for $10 to the new consoles.

If this was like 2 or 3 months after those vouchers expire, I can understand. It just seems like such an odd deal.

Maybe I'm just over thinking it.

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