Xbox One Profile Finally Being Fully Detailed Online


PSLS Level: Silver
Finally. Since launch it has simply said that users have played an Xbox One game when looking at recently played game in a web browser. This will allow for users to look at what their friends are playing online, just like we are able to do on PS4. Glad to see they are implementing this.

It's about time, granted I don't have an Xbox any longer but most of my friends still do and I like to check out their progress from time to time.
It's about time, granted I don't have an Xbox any longer but most of my friends still do and I like to check out their progress from time to time.
Yeah it's a great feature. I like that you can also check out game clips of friends as well as your own. That is definitely a welcomed addition.
I know things take time, but I wish this was there day one. Glad we have it now finally.
I know things take time, but I wish this was there day one. Glad we have it now finally.
They are JUST NOW implementing this?
IMO better late than never. All companies have implemented upgraded features after a consoles launch.
  • Microsoft upgraded profile pages
  • Sony profile pages a year or so ago, along with trophies in general
  • Nintendo implementing Nintendo ID's rather than just Friend Codes

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