Anyone Good At Emblems?


PSLS Level: Silver
I am absolutely horrible at making emblems for the Rockstar Social Club for our GTA V Crew. Was wondering if anyone would like a try at it? There are some insanely detailed emblems out there, just takes the right individual that is able to do it. We are currently using one of the default emblems.

Have you tried an emblem creator? There are a couple programs that will take an image file and convert it to an emblem that you can either manually input or use some trickery to transfer to the browser.
Have you tried an emblem creator? There are a couple programs that will take an image file and convert it to an emblem that you can either manually input or use some trickery to transfer to the browser.
You have to use the emblem creator in the browser to my knowledge. So does it provide a step by step instruction on things?
If it's anything like bf4, you might find a site with premade designs that you can input via html code viewer
You have to use the emblem creator in the browser to my knowledge. So does it provide a step by step instruction on things?
What they do is take a .png file and vectorize it then output code that you can insert into Rockstar Emblem creators HTML then save it to the site.

Here is one such tutorial that uses just a browser and Notepad+:

A quick search also brought me this program:
Seems most ways with the custom emblems can actually result in a ban. Looks like the only way is to use the emblem creator on their site.... *sigh*
Yeah, rock* is bullshit and after the mess of gta online, I'm a bit jaded. I've lost cars and money and support has been no help. And then on top of that the gta community is a fucking joke.

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