Batman: Arkham Knight Reveal Trailer

Yeah, but sadly not everyone in the public is as understanding as you, which is why I understand the need for some developers/publishers to hold back on some bits. The internet is a great place for information, but is also rampant with people looking to make a name for themselves at the sake of everyone else. This is where I think the dividing line between established press and garbage journalism come in to play.
So there's this now.

Don't get too excited upon reading that "gameplay trailer" text, though. I think that's kind of an exaggeration here, haha. But, then again, maybe more of it is gameplay than I think. It's becoming harder to distinguish gameplay from cutscenes in some games these days.
So there's this now.

Don't get too excited upon reading that "gameplay trailer" text, though. I think that's kind of an exaggeration here, haha. But, then again, maybe more of it is gameplay than I think. It's becoming harder to distinguish gameplay from cutscenes in some games these days.
Having seen BAK running, I can say that most if not all of that is either in-game or in-engine. It does look that phenominal.

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