Best Opening Cinematic in a Video Game

Hybrid Extreme

PSLS Level: Newbie
We all have our favorites. Now its time to tell others about them!

I don't have a number 1 of all time favorite opening cinematic cutscene. There are many! However, there are a few standouts like the original Onimusha Warlords and this one from Resident Evil Outbreak. The art direction in this opener is still second to none and the music accompaniment is just the icing on an already delicious cake!

Got any memorable opening cutscenes from games?

Warning: contains violent images... viewer discretion is advised. May not be suitable for children. Well, you know the drill!

Enjoy :)

The Final Fantasy series is what first comes to mind for me. I used to start games over just to watch them again, and then X had the ability to rewatch over and over again at that theater place.. yes.

Sengoku Basara has sweet openings as well, I also liked Samurai Warriors 3 opening scenes for each character.
Without a doubt:

My favorite game of all time. Graphically it still holds up somewhat. The music is absolutely perfect. Amazing mini game. Tie all that in with one of the best stories I've EVER played and you have yourselves Final Fantasy VIII.

I still remember booting this up on my PlayStation 1 when it came out. I originally had been working through Final Fantasy VII still, and was very new to the series (never played on SNES). I was walking through Wal-Mart and saw Final Fantasy Anthologies and wanted to get it to try some of the older games. Then right next to it I see Final Fantasy VIII, instant buy for me. Yes it took me a while to complete it initially, but I accomplished everything there was to do in the game, and probably will again at some point. The game is that damn good.
Well, aside from simply backing the obvious choices here, a rather peculiar one comes to mind...

Two, actually, but for the same game. The first is mostly just the typical, "Oh, cool, action and such" cutscene. Which is all fine and good, but the second... Good god, I should've watched it sooner when I played the game. I wasn't even aware of it until I was something like halfway through, and it bears so much significance to the storyline. (Should've been a required cutscene in the main game, honestly. It answers a lot of questions, hah.) The first cutscene is the attention-grabber, while the second is the one that really introduces you to the greater plot and pulls you into it.

Granted, these are more of standard cutscenes than opening cinematics, but damn was I impressed when I first discovered the second one. Maybe not the greatest thing ever, but it's quite intriguing.

...But for the sake of it, here's Sengoku Basara 3's.

Ack, forgot one! I really enjoyed Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria's opening sequence as well haha. Everybody listing games made me think deeper.

I also remember when FFVII first came out, completely blew my family's minds lol. Then each FF (and KH!) after continued to do so, but not like that first time. Going from SNES to PS was a trip.
I feel a little young for not growing up with those games.

There is one amazing opening cinematic that I can't remember.

So, for the time being I'll say that the opening to Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance is a love letter to fans of the series. I get chills from watching it.
This is an extremely hard question to answer for me. I've played so many great games with so many phenomenal openings. I just can't come to a conclusion at this moment in time. I can, however, provide a placeholder.

While not the greatest, there is something about the opening of Soul Blade that always got me amped up and ready to fight when I was younger.


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