Community Reviews Guidelines


PSLS Level: Silver
Considering that everyone on a forum loves to voice their opinions about what they think about their favorite/not so favorite games, it is best that the community gets a place to officially put their own reviews for everyone on the PSLS Forums to see. Feel free to review any game, past or present, from any system. Go ahead dust off the PS1 or even NES and fire up some retro games. Or if you are feeling more in the present why not take a look at some of the newly released PlayStation 4 games.

The only guideline is this: the title of your review must list the system in parentheses and then the title of the game. So if I were reviewing Mirror's Edge for the PlayStation 3, it would list as the following: (PS3) Mirror's Edge. This should cut down on the confusion at times once this section really fills up. Feel free to use images/screenshots of the game to make your review have a better overall look. Other than that, what are you waiting for?! Get to reviewing your favorites!!! :)
I give this post like a 6.5 outta 10... Apparently I'm a notoriously low scorer, so you probably actually deserve a 9, but ya know, power and such, throwing down the 6.5 just cause I'm bad like that.

Kidding! Ha someone had to! Excellent idea!
It's like poking an anime loving Texan bear with a stick!
I'm sorry but I need to stop you right there

I never meant for this to transform into a negative situation. I was just having a little fun. In hopes that this doesn't escalate further, I want to present a token of good will to @Lifewish in the form of this gif of some kind of humanoid rat thing that probably displays how he might feel towards my comments.

So.... Can I submit 30 reviews? haha kidding but I will do one for Dark Souls 2 maybe. A little late but yeah I wanna hehe Also I can talk about the Collector's Edition opinion.
So.... Can I submit 30 reviews? haha kidding but I will do one for Dark Souls 2 maybe. A little late but yeah I wanna hehe Also I can talk about the Collector's Edition opinion.
There is no time limit on reviews. I would love to see some retro games reviewed from a while back.
The only guideline is this: the title of your review must list the system in parentheses and then the title of the game. So if I were reviewing Mirror's Edge for the PlayStation 3, it would list as the following: (PS3) Mirror's Edge. This should cut down on the confusion at times once this section really fills up. Feel free to use images/screenshots of the game to make your review have a better overall look. Other than that, what are you waiting for?! Get to reviewing your favorites!!! :)
This is the only guideline???

Time to make some half baked copy-pasta artwork!!
I have a question. It game shows up on multiple systems, do we have to mark all the systems? (an example is Rayman Origins on PS3/360/Vita/Wii/3DS)
I have a question. It game shows up on multiple systems, do we have to mark all the systems? (an example is Rayman Origins on PS3/360/Vita/Wii/3DS)
Preferably just the PS consoles if it is on more (PS3/PS4/Vita), though you can note that it is on more consoles in the review text.

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