Crackdown Coming To Xbox One!!!


PSLS Level: Silver
The newest entry into the Crackdown series is heading to the Xbox One. Newest trailer will be posted here ASAP. The game looks fantastic, and the original creator of the game is in charge of the game.
Im excited for this. I loved the first one, although i still have like 8 damn orbs left. Own 2 and still never touched it since it wasnt as good lol.
Im excited for this. I loved the first one, although i still have like 8 damn orbs left. Own 2 and still never touched it since it wasnt as good lol.
I liked both for different reasons. @dragon82 and I spent so much time playing Crackdown 2 it was ridiculous. Considering they had less than a year to make the second title, I was impressed.
I liked both for different reasons. @dragon82 and I spent so much time playing Crackdown 2 it was ridiculous. Considering they had less than a year to make the second title, I was impressed.
Phil Spencer alluded to it being rushed. Its glad to see that they know fans still wanted a proper addition to the series though.
Phil Spencer alluded to it being rushed. Its glad to see that they know fans still wanted a proper addition to the series though.
I want to know what everyone hated about the second one though. I actually enjoyed the game quite a bit.
When I open mine and play it; I'll let you know. Especially now that the 3rd is coming out.
The game isn't long, but still there is a lot to it (if that makes sense). The game is what you make of it, and definitely much more fun with multiple people.
Crackdown 2 was fantastic. I made the mistake of playing it before the first one though. Made the first one unplayable to me as it just wasn't as good.
Crackdown 2 was fantastic. I made the mistake of playing it before the first one though. Made the first one unplayable to me as it just wasn't as good.
Couldn't agree more. I think that the second was better than the first, though everyone seems to feel the opposite. Which is why I was trying to understand as to why they felt this way.

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