Dragon Ball Xenoverse

I was wondering if this would be a good game for someone who hasn't seen a single episode of DBZ. It looks like a fun game.
I was wondering if this would be a good game for someone who hasn't seen a single episode of DBZ. It looks like a fun game.

I don't think it would matter, the series doesn't really make much sense and it takes forever for certain arcs to actually move along. It's easy to lose interest in the show. So just going ahead and buying the game without watching the series is ok.
I was wondering if this would be a good game for someone who hasn't seen a single episode of DBZ. It looks like a fun game.
The first DBZ Budokai (PS2 game that's also part of the PS3 remaster) has a pretty comprehensive story recap of the first half of the DBZ series. Other than that I'd recommend reading the manga, the anime has a lot of filler like just about every other weekly shonen series so it's a bit of a hard watch for an adult.

I don't think it would matter, the series doesn't really make much sense and it takes forever for certain arcs to actually move along. It's easy to lose interest in the show. So just going ahead and buying the game without watching the series is ok.
I would disagree with this, after quite a lot of time playing this game I can safely say that you have to be a fan of the series to really be able to get into it. The base combat is fun, but I feel like putting a bullet in my head when the super saiyans start coming out on the 5+ Star parallel quests.
The first DBZ Budokai (PS2 game that's also part of the PS3 remaster) has a pretty comprehensive story recap of the first half of the DBZ series. Other than that I'd recommend reading the manga, the anime has a lot of filler like just about every other weekly shonen series so it's a bit of a hard watch for an adult.

I would disagree with this, after quite a lot of time playing this game I can safely say that you have to be a fan of the series to really be able to get into it. The base combat is fun, but I feel like putting a bullet in my head when the super saiyans start coming out on the 5+ Star parallel quests.

When it comes to anime's that are based off of a manga, i find that the manga's always seem to be better.

Sailor moon
Black butler
Blue exorcist
When it comes to anime's that are based off of a manga, i find that the manga's always seem to be better.

Sailor moon
Black butler
Blue exorcist
Anime based on serialized manga tends to be really difficult to watch because of all the filler they have to include in order to not catch up to the manga. Dragon Ball and Bleach have an unusual amount of "staring at each other scenes", Naruto comes up with these terrible filler arcs for like 30 episodes that completely break the flow of whatever previous task was at hand, and One Piece at this point is basically 1:1 for each manga chapter/anime episode. I can think of very few series where the anime is better than the manga
Anime based on serialized manga tends to be really difficult to watch because of all the filler they have to include in order to not catch up to the manga. Dragon Ball and Bleach have an unusual amount of "staring at each other scenes", Naruto comes up with these terrible filler arcs for like 30 episodes that completely break the flow of whatever previous task was at hand, and One Piece at this point is basically 1:1 for each manga chapter/anime episode. I can think of very few series where the anime is better than the manga
I quit watching Shippuden when they basically made a big "Battle on the Bridge between Naruto and Orochimaru Double Episode Extravaganza" a fucking staring match and jokes about how the pervert hermit almost died 2 times in his life. 1 when he saw the Hokage in the bath, and when Naruto got a 3rd tail, and then they just talked about the 3rd tail. Then I was like "Ok fuck this I'm out"

Hunter X Hunter is worthy. They took big breaks though, and they had to reboot the series.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse is supposed to be incredibly fun, even better with friends, and I would buy it if i had the extra funds. But now I'm just gonna wait for a good sale or sequel.

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