Driving while Texting ad

Arthur Sataine

PSLS Level: Bronze
PSLS Ambassador
Sorry, didn't want to post this randomly on an article's comments section. That damned ad is way too invasive and just downright pissing me off at this point. Not only is it on the sidebar, where it is harmless, but it cascades down from the top of the main page EVERY time I click on the home button. I mean it is displaying the ad twice for the love of the gods! Literally, every, single time I go back to check for new articles, it rears its ugly orange head down with that girls damnable smile and her blasted pink phone. Not to mention it covers up the navigation menu and top article.
Sorry, didn't want to post this randomly on an article's comments section. That damned ad is way too invasive and just downright pissing me off at this point. Not only is it on the sidebar, where it is harmless, but it cascades down from the top of the main page EVERY time I click on the home button. I mean it is displaying the ad twice for the love of the gods! Literally, every, single time I go back to check for new articles, it rears its ugly orange head down with that girls damnable smile and her blasted pink phone. Not to mention it covers up the navigation menu and top article.
Any way that you can let us know about these annoyances are great. I will hike this one up the chain. Thanks for the feedback, as always, it is much appreciated.
Sent a screencap over.

@Arthur Sataine , are you sure you're fully aware of the consequences of texting while driving? Maybe this is just really trying to get a message across to you. It's dangerous stuff man... ;)

Lol, oh yea. Witnessed what can happen first hand. Unless the powers that be are telling me to start texting and driving so they can slay me! :mad:

If anyone encounters this ad again, can you please take a screenshot of it? I'm not encountering it, so I can't do much about it until I can see what it looks like and take it to the appropriate people.

I should have grabbed a screenshot yesterday. I suppose I was too annoyed to think properly. Not seeing it today or I would do it. The Wildstar ads seem to be keeping it tame.
You're trapped in the PS7, and that's your new obstacle.

Maybe. ;) That is rather funny. And a notion I'm actually familiar with. Think this idea has been floating around since the early 90s. I'd have to double check that to be sure. But it isn't a new idea. Sometimes, things just seem as if they are in a simulation. But who knows? Organic or not, I'm here to enjoy the ride. As small as it may be.

On a less serious note, NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I'M ONLY A PIXELATED MASS OF DATA!!!

That was awesome. And it had a tag for the Kara video afterwards. I forgot how much that bit of video moved me. If she hasn't been put somewhere, I'd love to see a game by Quantic Dream featuring her. That video grabbed me and I wanted to know more. What happened to Kara? Where did she go? What has she done? We'll probably never know.
That was awesome. And it had a tag for the Kara video afterwards. I forgot how much that bit of video moved me. If she hasn't been put somewhere, I'd love to see a game by Quantic Dream featuring her. That video grabbed me and I wanted to know more. What happened to Kara? Where did she go? What has she done? We'll probably never know.
She'll be born in 20xx as a powerful cybernetic being that will be manufactured from premium alloys.

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