eLounges for Fifa


PSLS Level: Newbie
Hi guys,

Just wanted to introduce the website we have been working on for some time - elounges.io. It allows you to compete and create tournaments agains your friends, like in the good old Fifa lounges days.

We will try to constantly improve and update, but please send us your feedback and suggestions if you have as well!

I saw it and I found it interesting, the yellow background colour is amazing. With FIFA one can always create their own pro player and become a superstar. In this, you will be able to set up a team with your friends. I think this is a great initiative for football lovers. We can only extract more entertainment when we play FIFA in a tournament. For me, it is an interesting challenge, that playing the new international tournament. The most interesting things I like in the FIFA is to build a hybrid team in a functional unit test. I like this hybrid team because there are different players from multiple leagues. I know the latest series of FIFA is now available with a new amazing feature, we can also substitute our own players in the middle of the game. I also like to play football simulation video game. Previously, all of my friends used to play FIFA in an online team, they all inspired me to play this game. Currently, I am also playing FIFA 18, one can check it out to have more FIFA series. The latest series of FIFA that is FIFA 19 has recently been launched. I saw its reviews and it is fantastic, one can also go for it. Generally, I used to play on the PC as we can play any type of video game in it either in single player as well as in multiplayer mode.
I find the site interesting too, I like the presentation and the color of the site, I think it's a good idea for football fans. Good luck
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i made an account about 2 months ago and accepted the terms of use, i understand that u guys ip track l but i use a vpn so my ip changes alot, i was wondering if thats ok with u guys.
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