Favorite Morning Wood Header Image?

Chandler Wood

Get Off My Wood
Staff member
What is your favorite Morning Wood header image? Most every one of them has been made by D'yani. I'm a pretty big fan of this week's header image, and it was created in less than 10 minutes! In fact, most of these images were made fairly quickly as they are often created late on Friday nights before we publish the video.

Check it out here: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2014/03/22/morning-wood-ep-055-second-son-and-a-busy-week/

I love the character face swap ones, and her choice of font for a lot of them too.
Thank you @BigPete7978 !! My favorite is from the episode titled Mourning Wood. It took a long time to repeat the grass for the long header size! And it looks awesome.
I think the face swap was damn seamless but I'm not a big Shia Labeouf fan. That image brings back many repressed memories...

My fav was the GTA 5 image.
I think the face swap was damn seamless but I'm not a big Shia Labeouf fan. That image brings back many repressed memories...

My fav was the GTA 5 image.
Haha that's not Shia, it's me! I guess it kinda does look Labeouf-ish. :)

And the GTA V one was me and D'yani. D'yani got to be the cop, I was the smokin' hot blonde chick!
I think the face swap was damn seamless but I'm not a big Shia Labeouf fan. That image brings back many repressed memories...

My fav was the GTA 5 image.

I see it! I think it looks like him because Chandler was close to the camera lens and that distorted his nose to be bigger-ish like Shia's.

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