ffxiv 25-50% bigger patch 2.2


PSLS Level: Bronze
They are adding a ton of content to ffxiv. Supposed to be as much content or so as when it released. The servers are down till early morning tomorrow. primals dungeon reward revamps more uses for grand company seals new quests dozens of them. I'm on my phone so I'll post more later
Ok here is the MASSIVE changelog.

Primals, repeatable weekly challenges that give lots of exp, glamour to make your new gear look like your favorite gear, housing features, gardening features, retainers going on quests, ability to mount and dismount your chocobo while you are using it as a fighting companion, new mounts, new things to buy with Grand Company Seals, new mounts, new dungeons, new revamps for the dungeons, F.A.T.E. Rebalancing, new F.A.T.E.s, 19 new main scenario quests, 4 Hildrebrand quests, 15 sidequests, 5 Beastman Tribe quests for Sahagin and Kobold each, as well as daily Beastmen challenges.

There's your summary.

Here's the rest.
I want to play this content. Unfortunately, I'm waiting until it launches for PS4. I'd rather play it on a system designed for controller use. I just don't enjoy it on keyboard/mouse.
I want to play this content. Unfortunately, I'm waiting until it launches for PS4. I'd rather play it on a system designed for controller use. I just don't enjoy it on keyboard/mouse.
I believe Makai said if you get it on PS3 and it will be free on PS4 (not sure of you still have your PS3)
I believe Makai said if you get it on PS3 and it will be free on PS4 (not sure of you still have your PS3)

I don't, but I initially purchased the Collector's Edition for PS3. So I'm good and get the new CE goodies for free as well. I got it on PC so I could play with a friend of mine a month ago. Now I'm just waiting for the 14th to renew a sub and get back into action.
I believe Makai said if you get it on PS3 and it will be free on PS4 (not sure of you still have your PS3)
Yeah the way it works is that if you bought the game, the game disc was just a basic installer. Nothing special. The disc is useless after that except for shelf space stuff unless you got it on a deal. They had a code you put into the PS3, the code let you grab the digital version off the store, and is also why you get a free upgrade to the PS4 copy. If you had 5 PS3s or something a physical disc MIGHT be usable to make you get past the 2 limit, but I can't guarantee that.
I don't, but I initially purchased the Collector's Edition for PS3. So I'm good and get the new CE goodies for free as well. I got it on PC so I could play with a friend of mine a month ago. Now I'm just waiting for the 14th to renew a sub and get back into action.
Which server did you play on?
Yeah the way it works is that if you bought the game, the game disc was just a basic installer. Nothing special. The disc is useless after that except for shelf space stuff unless you got it on a deal. They had a code you put into the PS3, the code let you grab the digital version off the store, and is also why you get a free upgrade to the PS4 copy. If you had 5 PS3s or something a physical disc MIGHT be usable to make you get past the 2 limit, but I can't guarantee that.

The code has nothing to do with why you get a free PS4 upgrade. You account showing that you have a PS3 service account does. They merely port that to a PS4 service account and you lose access to the game on PS3 forever. Unless you buy it on PS3 again, of course.
The code has nothing to do with why you get a free PS4 upgrade. You account showing that you have a PS3 service account does. They merely port that to a PS4 service account and you lose access to the game on PS3 forever. Unless you buy it on PS3 again, of course.
You're right. Odd.

I had just assumed they weren't going to do something stupid like that.
I want to play this content. Unfortunately, I'm waiting until it launches for PS4. I'd rather play it on a system designed for controller use. I just don't enjoy it on keyboard/mouse.
You do know you can still use a PS3 controller (or Xbox 360, I believe) on PC, right? Without emulation, even, I believe. (Anyone feel free to correct me there if needed. The in-game menus seem to suggest so.) Granted, you'll need a decent-size USB cable (Amazon's got some extensions for pretty cheap; just attach to the default charge cable) unless your PC's got a Bluetooth card built into it to enable wireless connectivity. (Wireless might require emulation... Haven't used it, myself, so I'm not sure.)

You just switch the control scheme from mouse/keyboard to gamepad and the entire control scheme is automatically switched over to the same (with possibly a few minor changes) as the PS3 version. (Cross hotbars included.) It's how I've been playing the whole time, and it works fine.

Also, while I assume they'll fix it in due time, I've heard there are some font issues in the PS4 version. Waaaaay too small.

I checked out some of the new stuff, though. A lot of it isn't really available to me yet, since I'm only level 38 or so, but a lot of the content seems pretty nice, and seems to add considerably more value to the game.

One particular new feature that I'm rather fascinated with is the Retainer Venture system. (Reminiscent of sending your friends on hunting/gathering missions in their spare time in the Mana Khemia games, for me.) Definitely nice to be able to gear up your retainer and have them do more than just hold/sell stuff for you now -- especially when these new activities involve gathering materials. For disciples of land/hand, this seems like something that could be greatly helpful.

I'm also always in favor of anything related to aesthetic customizations. While I'm disappointed that I can't access Glamors until lv50, I think it seems like a pretty spiffy feature. More hairstyles is nice (including Lightning and Snow, it would seem), although honestly, I still feel that the selections are somewhat lacking. But maybe that's just me. ^^;

The new Challenge Log system seems like a pretty cool way to expand upon EXP/Gil sources that are readily available (albeit limited to a timeframe before they refresh). Every bit helps.

Would most certainly love to see more big updates like this in the future. Some of this stuff seems to have come just in time to re-spark my interest in playing.
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Also, while I assume they'll fix it in due time, I've heard there are some font issues in the PS4 version. Waaaaay too small.

If you go into the HUD layout and click the right stick down after you select what you want to manipulate you can change the size. You can also drag it around with the stick as well. I just moved the server info to the bottom right hand side, increased my exp bar size, shifted everything inwards a bit so that wording isn't cut off, put the item help at a different part of the screen, boosted the sizes of my Duty list so that it's easier to read...

So... Yeah... What needs to be fixed?

Sure I can't have my layout like I did in 1.0 where my exp bars and health bars spanned all the way across the bottom of the screen practically and have 3-5 damage logs with different information all going at once... But the console version is pretty dang solid.
If you go into the HUD layout and click the right stick down after you select what you want to manipulate you can change the size. You can also drag it around with the stick as well. I just moved the server info to the bottom right hand side, increased my exp bar size, shifted everything inwards a bit so that wording isn't cut off, put the item help at a different part of the screen, boosted the sizes of my Duty list so that it's easier to read...

So... Yeah... What needs to be fixed?

Sure I can't have my layout like I did in 1.0 where my exp bars and health bars spanned all the way across the bottom of the screen practically and have 3-5 damage logs with different information all going at once... But the console version is pretty dang solid.
Keep in mind, my comment about the font was just what I heard from one friend. ^^; I told him about some of the options available in the PC version for adjusting resolution, window size, and font size, but from what he said, there was nothing of the sort available in the PS4 beta. Could've missed something. I dunno. I'm not familiar with the PS4 version's options myself. I just meant to warn about a potential issue based on my friend's experience with it so far. ...Guess I should've mentioned that sooner. *facepalm*
Keep in mind, my comment about the font was just what I heard from one friend. ^^; I told him about some of the options available in the PC version for adjusting resolution, window size, and font size, but from what he said, there was nothing of the sort available in the PS4 beta. Could've missed something. I dunno. I'm not familiar with the PS4 version's options myself. I just meant to warn about a potential issue based on my friend's experience with it so far. ...Guess I should've mentioned that sooner. *facepalm*
The PS3 version is 720p the PS4 version will be 1080p There's still a chance that maybe it's too small however my t.v. is 26 inches and right in front of me at arms length.

If you want to play it on a 80 inch from 10 feet back not really sure. That's what Open Betas are for right?

I figured you heard it from someone randomly. I just wanted to make sure I did mention how to adjust font and layouts. Not that it's perfect mind you, but I actually didn't know that I could move the windows around (too lazy to mess with it) until I replied to you and went into more depth on my testing.
Yeah, higher resolutions do tend to have that issue. Precisely why I keep my computer's lower than max. I use my TV, from a few feet away, so higher res means tiny font you can't read. Honestly, even at 720p, the game's got some pretty small fonts in some areas, so I imagine 1080p would be noticeably worse.

26" and at arms' length? Yeah, that definitely doesn't sound like a typical HD setup. (Kinda hard to not be able to read it at that distance, lol.) I thought I asked my friend about his screen size and distance, but upon looking back, I apparently only mentioned my own... Might've actually overlooked the 720p vs. 1080p argument at the time (especially since I run a sort of in-between resolution on my computer). But yeah, most people I know usually have a 32" at the least, with some having 40-60" screens, and sit a few feet away from the screen. Even at 720p, I think the game's font would be quite difficult to read at that distance, so if they're upping the res to 1080p for the PS4 version, then they'll definitely need to increase the font size, and/or maybe even just change the font face used entirely.

And yes, the game is still in open beta, which is why I said I assume it'd be fixed (if it's really a more widespread issue) by the time the full game is launched. My initial highlight of the issue was just a warning in case, for some reason, it remains an issue in the full release. (Upon looking back at my convo with my friend, he said he looked around a bit, and from what he saw, the font was actually the biggest complaint he saw about the beta.)

...Alas, getting rather off-topic, I suppose. Long story short:
To anyone considering the PS4 version: the font may or may not be too small. Keep an eye on development as the beta finishes up.
Yeah, higher resolutions do tend to have that issue. Precisely why I keep my computer's lower than max. I use my TV, from a few feet away, so higher res means tiny font you can't read. Honestly, even at 720p, the game's got some pretty small fonts in some areas, so I imagine 1080p would be noticeably worse.

26" and at arms' length? Yeah, that definitely doesn't sound like a typical HD setup. (Kinda hard to not be able to read it at that distance, lol.) I thought I asked my friend about his screen size and distance, but upon looking back, I apparently only mentioned my own... Might've actually overlooked the 720p vs. 1080p argument at the time (especially since I run a sort of in-between resolution on my computer). But yeah, most people I know usually have a 32" at the least, with some having 40-60" screens, and sit a few feet away from the screen. Even at 720p, I think the game's font would be quite difficult to read at that distance, so if they're upping the res to 1080p for the PS4 version, then they'll definitely need to increase the font size, and/or maybe even just change the font face used entirely.

And yes, the game is still in open beta, which is why I said I assume it'd be fixed (if it's really a more widespread issue) by the time the full game is launched. My initial highlight of the issue was just a warning in case, for some reason, it remains an issue in the full release. (Upon looking back at my convo with my friend, he said he looked around a bit, and from what he saw, the font was actually the biggest complaint he saw about the beta.)

...Alas, getting rather off-topic, I suppose. Long story short:
To anyone considering the PS4 version: the font may or may not be too small. Keep an eye on development as the beta finishes up.
Like I said though if they click the right stick, the size of the window and the text will incrase as well as other U.I. Elements.

If you go to the chat log you can boost the font size. I don't know if he did any of that.

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