ffxiv 25-50% bigger patch 2.2

Here ya go see? From smallest to largest.


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Ah, I think I see what you mean now. I knew about the temporary window-resize (R3 while the menu/window is active) for basic menus and certain types of dialogue bubbles, which I told him about (he said it only worked on the web launcher, or something), but I wasn't aware of a permanent resize option for each individual HUD window via the HUD settings. I'll have to pass that along to him.

Do you know if that includes basic dialogue, though? While most menus in the game seem to have some resize option or other, I don't recall ever seeing one for the basic dialogue bubbles. (Not the pop-up ones, but the ones you have to actually click/confirm through.) I think that would be a bigger deal than many of the HUD fonts.
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You can use your controller as a mouse by holding down L1 and clicking the right control stick down.

You can then move and expand the chat log. You can also select the "Event Tab" and maximize it on the screen after a cutscene to read all the dialogue and decrease transparency to make it easier to read.

The actual chat bubbles especially for cutscenes are basically FUBAR. Hopefully they fix it before release. Otherwise your options are basically to rewatch the cutscenes on PC or something using the "Unending Journey" stuff in the Inn.

Shitty work arounds, but sometimes you have to do what you can.

I'm just trying to help people get the best out of their FFXIV. With as much feedback as they've gotten they'd have to be doing something about it right?


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