Final Fantasy VII G-Bike Coming to NA Smartphones

I'm actually ok with this. Granted I want a FFVII remake, but I loved the motorcycle mini game in the game. Next up, give us Triple Triad from FFVIII on PS4/PS3/Vita/Mobile. It would be epic!
I'm actually ok with this. Granted I want a FFVII remake, but I loved the motorcycle mini game in the game. Next up, give us Triple Triad from FFVIII on PS4/PS3/Vita/Mobile. It would be epic!
Yes! I would be cool with a FF mini game compilation game on a console with cross buy on Vita, too. That'd be nifty, right?
Yes! I would be cool with a FF mini game compilation game on a console with cross buy on Vita, too. That'd be nifty, right?
Definitely. But given how Square Enix has been, doubt we will get it. I still to this day don't understand why they have yet to invest in a FFVII remake, remaster, etc. It would be so much money for them it would be ridiculous.

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