Game Capture to USB coming

This is an awesome feature to add, not everyone wants to use social media to share their screenshots. Glad they are listening to PS4 users on things they would like to see with the sharing options.
This is an awesome feature to add, not everyone wants to use social media to share their screenshots. Glad they are listening to PS4 users on things they would like to see with the sharing options.
Actually most people want to use Youtube. Which is still social media.

A better way to say it is, that more people would rather have the highest quality available stored somewhere to be distributed as they please, rather than hope for Sony to work a deal with them, and they want to work with the source rather than a rip of the encoded source.
Actually most people want to use Youtube. Which is still social media.

A better way to say it is, that more people would rather have the highest quality available stored somewhere to be distributed as they please, rather than hope for Sony to work a deal with them, and they want to work with the source rather than a rip of the encoded source.
I was referring more to screenshots. Which is what I use the PS4 feature for more than anything.
Oh ok. I usually do video recording. It's rare I find a chance to hold down the screenshot button in time to capture something worth sharing.
You can change it the settings to where it is a quick tap of the share button on the PS4 controller.
I think it's a bigger deal they are taking off HDCP for games. The share button itself is very cool, but it'll be nice to capture via HDMI. No 15 minute time limits and you can control the bitrate etc if your capture device supports it.
I think it's a bigger deal they are taking off HDCP for games. The share button itself is very cool, but it'll be nice to capture via HDMI. No 15 minute time limits and you can control the bitrate etc if your capture device supports it.
Yeah if you have the extra 200 to drop on a capture device. Of course. You could also use an HDCP stripping cable.

Money fixes everything just about. People spend extra money to get video out for the Vita.
I'm kind of excited for usb exporting. I also wouldn't mind the possibility of exporting to mobile from PS4. If one of my friends asked about a particular game, I could just export directly via wifi or bluetooth and send them a picture.

But I'm not going to complain about that right now. I'm happy enough with usb.
This will be interesting to see, especially in regards to how they handle the encoding. Capturing video at 1080p and 60fps leads to some seriously big files.
This will be interesting to see, especially in regards to how they handle the encoding. Capturing video at 1080p and 60fps leads to some seriously big files.
Agreed. I had to turn off the auto capturing of NBA 2K14 because it filled up my HDD on the PS4. It was ridiculous.
I can't wait till this update is released. Ever since I got my PS4 my capture card has sat unopened in its box :/

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