Halo Master Chief Collection For Xbox One


PSLS Level: Silver
WOW. Halo Master Chief Collection will contain Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3, and Halo 4 all on one Xbox One disc. Halo 2 will get the full HD treatment just like Halo Combat Evolved received a while back for the Xbox 360. The game will launch November 11, 2014. Will you be getting it?

Halo Master Chief Collection Trailer

Halo 2 Anniversary Trailer

Halo 5 Beta Trailer
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The Master Chief Collection features over 100 multiplayer maps on dedicated servers. WOW. The game will also ship with 4000 Gamerscore.
I'm definitely interested in this. If its $60 that will be a hell of a lot of content.

I wonder if this will get a $150+ Helmet CE like the last few games.
I'm definitely interested in this. If its $60 that will be a hell of a lot of content.

I wonder if this will get a $150+ Helmet CE like the last few games.
Many people are saying that it will be $60. That is an insane amount of content for that price.
Halo Master Chief Collection Trailers that were shown

Halo Master Chief Collection Trailer

Halo 2 Anniversary Trailer

Halo 5 Beta Trailer
Great deal for Halo fanatics. Not enough to make me get a Xbox One though. Been there done that. LOL
Theres a small rumor saying this may also be coming to the PC. Jeff Gerstmann said that when they showed him the demo that the prompt said something along the line of 'Move mouse to begin,' which went away once you hit a butt on the controller.
Theres a small rumor saying this may also be coming to the PC. Jeff Gerstmann said that when they showed him the demo that the prompt said something along the line of 'Move mouse to begin,' which went away once you hit a butt on the controller.
Kind of kills the whole exclusive thing.
This is great news. We would have to wait until fall/winter of 2015 to play Halo on Xbox One if this didn't come. It's a great tide me over, and should be pretty successful.
This is great news. We would have to wait until fall/winter of 2015 to play Halo on Xbox One if this didn't come. It's a great tide me over, and should be pretty successful.
Agreed. And the game has a ton of content for a great price. Add in 4000 gamerscore, you have a winner.

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