Hello My name is FAT MAN GO BOOM


PSLS Level: Bronze
Hello My Name is FAT MAN GO BOOM and I am new to the forms here not to PSLS. I look forward to meeting new gamers and chatting up about thing.

Cheers and I look forward to seeing you on the boards...
Hello FAT MAN!! (I can already tell that's going to be fun to say...:D) Welcome to the world famous PSLS Forums! Put up your feet, grab your controller and have some fun!
Welcome! Glad to have you on the site. Feel free to send site suggestions and such to [email protected]! We're receptive to our readers!

You have been the most interactive site with their users base over any other gaming site I have seen...

I also wrote to the editor Alex on Yours and Anthony's conduct in helping out my situation so quickly and promptly.. It is why I left my other gaming site's forums and joined yours.

There people or users would have been ignored or mocked.

Thank you very much for your help...
Oh hi, @FAT MAN GO BOOM!! I'm glad to see that you like our community so much. Normally an all-caps name is really annoying, but I feel like yours really gets the point across in a very funny way. Like @Lifewish said, your name deserves points on its own merit!

I'll look forward to seeing you around. Welcome!
Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy it, and can't wait to see what things you have to say.
Thanks stolenxnamtag and Jacky for the warm welcome. I do agree with the all caps in a name Stolenxnametag but I thought that the name in caps kinda of went a long with the name.

My PSN is Banana-Poo also had Merlins-Hairy-Wart for IGN.

I enjoy picking funny names. 2 reasons...
1: they are great ice breakers in online games. I have had many people start chatting in games just because of it.
2: I never have to compromise the name... I don;t have to add numbers or XxX or extra letter like KillerrRickie87

The names are Clear and spelt the way they sound so telling others that are looking for me makes things a lot easier.
Welcome to our family. Feel free to give us feedback and ask for help and support when you need it. We are one big family that needs to stick together in order to let our great gamin world truly shine. We don't want a gaming world with internet wars and ignorance. What we want is to enjoy those gaming moments we share. Memories that are beautiful and even though games are not real you can feel them. That is what its all about. Enjoy your place at PSLS.
Thanks Dan and darkforcegod for the welcome. I am looking forward to meeting and making new friends here.

Also well Said darkforcegod, I love games as a gamer that is all I want a good game no matter the system it is on.
The consumer in me has say as well though that being said. The gamer in me wins out.

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