how much are you willing to pay for Playstation Now

i was really hoping that they would take the netflix model.
probably $10 per month but you can only select 1-3 games per kind of console.
I'm honestly not interested in renting the titles. Though I will be willing to pay for titles to own and play on my PlayStation 4. Yes, I own most of them on PS3 already, but to have them compatible for the PS4 would be well worth it for me. Not sure if they will offer a monthly fee for unlimited games, a flat out purchase price for individual titles, or a yearly price. It will be interesting as more information is released.
I'm honestly not interested in renting the titles. Though I will be willing to pay for titles to own and play on my PlayStation 4. Yes, I own most of them on PS3 already, but to have them compatible for the PS4 would be well worth it for me. Not sure if they will offer a monthly fee for unlimited games, a flat out purchase price for individual titles, or a yearly price. It will be interesting as more information is released.
i'm just excited for PS Now because of the chance that they will be putting every single playstation released game in it. that way I don't have to wait for some games to be released on psn (Crisis Core, Legaia, Shadow Hearts etc...) and the chance of having the not-localized games available.
i'm just excited for PS Now because of the chance that they will be putting every single playstation released game in it. that way I don't have to wait for some games to be released on psn (Crisis Core, Legaia, Shadow Hearts etc...) and the chance of having the not-localized games available.
Oh I can definitely agree on Crisis Core and Shadow Hearts. Throw in Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 and Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne as well.
i have always wondered why the SMT games haven't arrived at the ps2 classics on the psn. If ps1 had all those great final fantasy rpgs, the ps2 was very well supported by Shin Megami Tensei rpgs.

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