Howdy Folks!


PSLS Level: Newbie
Hi Everyone. Just thought I'd take a quick minute to introduce myself. I'm an engineer and teacher who started gaming/computing back when Pong really was a thing (yup, that old...) Played the old Atari consoles, Intellivision, Nintendo, and had a Playstation when I got a bit older. Recently had an injury that's going to stop me from running, lifting weights, etc., so was looking for a new 'side hobby' and thought a PS4 would be a blast. So I got one.

I'm still re-learning all this, but am hoping to get into Destiny as I've heard good things about the co-op / team play aspect, though I don't have any friends with a PS4. Started it last night and it became clear pretty quickly that it doesn't "match you up" for co-op missions, you pretty much need to have other folks to go through it with you. To shorten a long boring story, I'm hoping to learn a bit on these forums, perhaps make a few PS4 friends to go through Destiny or play other stuff online together after my wife and kids go to bed, and just have a fun time.

All the Best!


(PS -- LOVE the Podcast -- great job guys, thanks!)
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Welcome to the forums!

I haven't played Destiny for awhile but I'm pretty sure some people here still jump on every now and again!

I'm the Community Manager around these parts and we have all kinds of cool opportunities to help you get your feet wet on PS4. We regularly hold PSLS Game Nights where we play multiplayer games with the community members. Lately we've been playing Rocket League but I'm always open to suggestions!

My PSN is TYLERxDURDEN. Feel free to hit me up online!
Welcome, @AirBeagle1! I've been on and off with Destiny as of late. I recently moved to an area with awful Internet, so Destiny isn't always a good idea for me. Feel free to add me on PSN. My PSN ID is arithrottle. My friends and I are anxiously awaiting The Taken King expansion, and we would love for you to join us sometime.

I'm not aware if the PSLS Destiny clan is very active anymore, but I created a new one last week if you would like to join.

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