Minecraft Discussion Thread


PSLS Level: Bronze
Considering how complex and versatile the minecraft series is, I figured there has to be some people interested in talking about it, adding each other to friends lists, help getting platinums, so on and so fourth.
The amount of content that can be in this game is ridiculous, but I just have never been able to get into it.
I have it and a bunch of DLC on the 360, but once it is available on the PS4 I'll certainly double dip.
If you had to pitch someone on getting this game, what would you use as key points?
It's unforgiving like Dark Souls. One creeper as you leave your house, or 1 wrong axe pick without being able to stop the lava in time, and you can lose all the items you have. If you need the game even harder there's a hard difficulty, an easy for a softer touch, and peaceful or creative if you don't like the stress of being able to lose a ton of progress in a moment of letting your guard down. You'll fear the darkness. Which lasts 10 minutes. Light lasts 15 minutes. You have 5 minutes from when you die till all your stuff disappears. Have fun!

There are enemies to kill, to gain exp. Exp you use to enchant objects, brew potions, or repair enchanted items. Kinda skyrim-esque. An advanced tactic is to use exp to boost up a sword, and then take the sword enchantment off the sword and put it onto a piece of armor that normally can't have unbreaking.

Some of this stuff will be available at TU14 even if it's not available yet. Title Update 14 comes within about a month.

The game also has NPC trading (coming with TU 14) which also makes it feel a bit more skyrim like. Sure there's not much dialogue, and most of the game is open for you to figure out what you want to do, but that's part of the charm. It's also a hell of a lot of fun with friends. You can make minecart roller coasters, Volcanoe Castles with Lava Defenses, you can do what ever you want. Some of the trophies are crazy, and kinda fun. You can help other people unlock them so they aren't impossible for a new person to get in a reasonable time frame.

Overalll though try the demo. People usually get hooked by playing it and realizing. OMG there's something here! Before they know it they've created 6 houses. 2 that were blown up by creepers, 1 that they lost track of, because they didn't pay attention to their surroundings, and 1 that they liked, but the last one is the one that they got creative with and abandoned the other one for.

It's just that type of game. Me for example one day I got extremely annoyed with defending an island I inhabited so I decided to make an underground castle on an island. As you build your crazy ideas you realize problems. You then go look for solutions. You then find solutions, and get even crazier ideas. Then before you know it you have to show everyone.

Which is why I'm waiting for the PS4 version. Because the screen shotting, and video recording will make everything so much more hilarious and fun. Even though I really want to finish my tower and rollercoaster on the PS3 version but no one wants to play with me. T_T

Yes it's a very addictive game. Yes it's a blast. Yes it's probably one of the best $20 dollars you'll spend. Go try the demo and maybe it won't hook you. Maybe... Can't find out until you get that first taste. Oh and the sixth house? It's the on you didn't fully complete or maybe it's a hole in the ground or a tiny house in a tree that you used to survive your first few nights.

There is that a good enough pitch for you?
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It's unforgiving like Dark Souls. One creeper as you leave your house, or 1 wrong axe pick without being able to stop the lava in time, and you can lose all the items you have. If you need the game even harder there's a hard difficulty, an easy for a softer touch, and peaceful or creative if you don't like the stress of being able to lose a ton of progress in a moment of letting your guard down. You'll fear the darkness. Which lasts 10 minutes. Light lasts 15 minutes. You have 5 minutes from when you die till all your stuff disappears. Have fun!

There are enemies to kill, to gain exp. Exp you use to enchant objects, brew potions, or repair enchanted items. Kinda skyrim-esque. An advanced tactic is to use exp to boost up a sword, and then take the sword enchantment off the sword and put it onto a piece of armor that normally can't have unbreaking.

Some of this stuff will be available at TU14 even if it's not available yet. Title Update 14 comes within about a month.

The game also has NPC trading (coming with TU 14) which also makes it feel a bit more skyrim like. Sure there's not much dialogue, and most of the game is open for you to figure out what you want to do, but that's part of the charm. It's also a hell of a lot of fun with friends. You can make minecart roller coasters, Volcanoe Castles with Lava Defenses, you can do what ever you want. Some of the trophies are crazy, and kinda fun. You can help other people unlock them so they aren't impossible for a new person to get in a reasonable time frame.

Overalll though try the demo. People usually get hooked by playing it and realizing. OMG there's something here! Before they know it they've created 6 houses. 2 that were blown up by creepers, 1 that they lost track of, because they didn't pay attention to their surroundings, and 1 that they liked, but the last one is the one that they got creative with and abandoned the other one for.

It's just that type of game. Me for example one day I got extremely annoyed with defending an island I inhabited so I decided to make an underground castle on an island. As you build your crazy ideas you realize problems. You then go look for solutions. You then find solutions, and get even crazier ideas. Then before you know it you have to show everyone.

Which is why I'm waiting for the PS4 version. Because the screen shotting, and video recording will make everything so much more hilarious and fun. Even though I really want to finish my tower and rollercoaster on the PS3 version but no one wants to play with me. T_T

Yes it's a very addictive game. Yes it's a blast. Yes it's probably one of the best $20 dollars you'll spend. Go try the demo and maybe it won't hook you. Maybe... Can't find out until you get that first taste. Oh and the sixth house? It's the on you didn't fully complete or maybe it's a hole in the ground or a tiny house in a tree that you used to survive your first few nights.

There is that a good enough pitch for you?

Ahh yes. This takes me back to my Reading Rainbow days. So, It's essentially a sandbox game that is pretty much limited to your imagination? I've never had much interest in Sandbox games mainly because I can never find someone to play with when I want to go and I've got a limited imagination.

I was essentially trying to find an understanding of why this game was so popular. It never ticked on my radar so I've never done any research on it. I basically based my opinions on play through videos. I think this game is one of those instances where it needs to be experienced first hand to truly understand the magic behind it. If there's a sale down the line, I may have to check this out.
Ahh yes. This takes me back to my Reading Rainbow days. So, It's essentially a sandbox game that is pretty much limited to your imagination? I've never had much interest in Sandbox games mainly because I can never find someone to play with when I want to go and I've got a limited imagination.

I was essentially trying to find an understanding of why this game was so popular. It never ticked on my radar so I've never done any research on it. I basically based my opinions on play through videos. I think this game is one of those instances where it needs to be experienced first hand to truly understand the magic behind it. If there's a sale down the line, I may have to check this out.
I never really even used the word imagination did I though.

I noticed that you played Don't Starve at least a decent enough chunk to get a moderate amount of trophies. It's a lot like that. Especially if you put it on Hardcore where 1 death means start over. (except dont' starve has altars that will revive you)

It's the kinda game where if you're too worried about enemies, you'll starve. If you're too worried about starving you might get blown up or shot, or poisoned by a spider.

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