New ads - Dial for Men - Auto-play with Audio (and more)


PSLS Level: Newbie
I don't usually complain about the ads, but....

These newer Dial for Men ads for PSLS.TV and sometimes on the ad above it (usually when on the homepage) autoplay with the audio, and sometimes they both play (slightly out of sync) and the corner one repeats over and over again. There's no pause or mute button. I can sometimes refresh to make the corner one switch to another ad, but the PSLS.TV one still plays. It probably wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't a bunch of guys chanting and playing a tuba.

I added PSLS to my whitelist for AdBlock, but these sort of ads are really annoying. The PSLS.TV ad is literately on every article.
This isn't the first that we've heard this about that ad, and it has now been dealt with. Feel free to send any other ad complaints straight to [email protected] and we can make sure that you're experience is a good one, while still getting the ad views to help keep us alive. Thanks!
The "Platinum Beer" commercial is the same. Autoplays with audio and (sometimes) loops all the while being extremely difficult to mute/turn off. I've had PSLS on my Adblock whitelist for a very long time, so its annoying to have to deal with it. Please resolve the issue when you can as its been going on for over a month now.

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