Pixel Daydreams Resource Pack


PSLS Level: Newbie
Pixel Daydreams is a bright, happy, charmingly retro resource pack for Minecraft. This is my first attempt at creating a texture pack using a (mostly) set color palette in a traditional pixel art style. It is based on DawnBreaker's 32 color palette, although by this point I have just about doubled the number of colors.

At the moment this pack is in beta release. This means that there are things that aren't done. There are things that probably need to be changed. But most of all, it means I'm looking for people willing to do some rigorous testing and provide feedback.

Please do not review this pack and complain about how things aren't done! I know they aren't done. I have eyes - I'm very aware of what isn't done. Just enjoy it as it is, and keep checking back for updates. The pack may not be done now, but it will get there eventually.

Pixel Daydreams Resource Pack is a very beautiful, bright with attractive look that is based on DawnBreaker’s 32 color palette. This pack is very awesome and popular with doubled the number of colors.

  • Download the resource pack from the link provided below
  • Go to Start Menu > Type %appdata%/.minecraft/resourcepacks
  • Open the “resource packs” folder and move the downloaded zip file into this folder
  • Close tabs, run Minecraft and enjoy the resource pack.

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