Platinum THIS!

Nice work! I loved that game, I would really love to see a Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 sometime.

It was a fun game, the platinum was a bit of a pain because I had some freezing issues. I would like to see another ultimate alliance game though. I think that the developer is still in existence. Each one had a different developer the first had Raven and the second had Vicarious Visions which are both still in existence I think. From what I understand it's all about licensing which is why the DLC for this game went away and why a number of Marvel based video games and DLC are being removed from the PS Store and such.
I just got my very 1st Platinum last night in Darksiders. It will probably be the 1st and last one. Lol.
Awh, you aren't addicted yet? Just wait til that addiction and pang hits. You'll want more.
Oh I practically am addicted but games that require multi-player online trophies will most likely prevent me from getting more Plats as I don't play a whole lot online.
I just got my very 1st Platinum last night in Darksiders. It will probably be the 1st and last one. Lol.
Congrats! Yeah I am the same way with multiplayer trophies. Sadly many future games will most likely have required multiplayer trophies. :(
Congrats! Yeah I am the same way with multiplayer trophies. Sadly many future games will most likely have required multiplayer trophies. :(
Im much the same, Im up to a whopping 8. Not bad considering a month ago i was at 6.

#8 inFamous 2
I'm not a huge online player, but I'll do it for some trophies, and I've found it to be quite fun.

Agreed, As long as the game keeps them realistic and forces players to dabble a bit into Multiplayer I am perfectly fine with that and i usually end up enjoying it as well (Mass Effect 3 comes to mind). But some games just go off the deep end and make them 70% online and 50% of those require 100 hours of grinding and those I pretty much just skip.
Yeah see I wanna avoid grinding as well. I have yet to prestige in BOps 2 because of the grind and the fact that I suck at it has no bearing on that at all. Ha ha.
#51. Infamous: Second Son. Took me 3 days and 8 hours to platinum. Kinda taking it easy on platinum's this year.
#77 - The Amazing Spider-Man
Does everything a spider can!
Pleasantly surprised with how good this was. Even the story was decent, too bad it's not canon and gets nullified by the second movie.
#78 - Disney Infinity
Platinum Challenge
Not the best game, but a solid base... and Marvel coming soon!
#39 - Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One

May not have been the best Ratchet & Clank of the series, but it was still an enjoyable game that was fun to play with the family. Wasn't really all that hard to platinum, but do need some co-op help for some of them.
God of War HD
The Walking Dead: Season One
Jak & Daxter HD

Atelier Ayesha ~The Alchemist of Dusk~

Just finished my second playthrough of Atelier Ayesha, and used it to nab all endings at once. (Saved before the end and reloaded.) A little surprised how easy this game was to plat. Then again, when you can just reload for each ending, I guess that saves a lot of time, hah.

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