Ps4 Co-op Thread


PSLS Level: Bronze
Post your PSN ID here if you'd like to co-op various PS4 games with other PSLS members. I'll try to keep up to date with games and users as they come up. If I'm missing any games or you can think of a better way to format the listing, let me know. I'm not a fan of the setup but I've hit a road block in how to make it look pretty ;)

Dead Nation
Lionheartwolf *(PM through Forums first for invite)*

Mercenary Kings

Lionheartwolf *

DC Universe Online

Need for Speed: Rivals
Lionheartwolf *

Lionheartwolf *
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You can put me down for both of them, and I'm sure @dyani wouldn't mind playing either, but I'll let her post her ID if she wants to.

I'm Wedge19.
Count me in, im down for both.
I love Co-op especially horde survival modes, im so looking foward to Uncharted for that.
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Count me in.
I love Co-op especially horde survival modes, im so looking foward to Uncharted for that.

Horde survival modes are awesome. Loved that about Gears of War. Did you want me to add you to either/both of the psn games?
I'll play with the people around here.


I have Resogun, Dead Nation, Mercenary Kings, Need for Speed: Rivals, DCUO, and Warframe.

I know NFS & DCUO aren't strictly co-op, but they have co-op gameplay. For instance, I'd never hop sides in NFS to compete against. We'd all either race or all be cops. DCUO is inherently co-op with pvp modes. So I thought it was safe to list as well.

Finally, just ask me to play. I don't constantly check my friends list to see if people are playing together. So just ask.
I'm probably on just about every coop game that is in existence on a Sony platform. I wouldn't mind playing with some of you if you really need an extra hand. I'm not really difficult to track down I just don't have public invites turned on, but if you send me a PM here I can track you down. I normally have at least one person with me at all times so you are getting 2 for the price of one! You'll probably like her a little more anyway she is the good cop, I'm a bit of a curmudgeon, loose cannon, and tend to just want to get the job done in the most uncomfortable ways imaginable. It's like being a part of your very own buddy cop movie.
I'm probably on just about every coop game that is in existence on a Sony platform. I wouldn't mind playing with some of you if you really need an extra hand. I'm not really difficult to track down I just don't have public invites turned on, but if you send me a PM here I can track you down. I normally have at least one person with me at all times so you are getting 2 for the price of one! You'll probably like her a little more anyway she is the good cop, I'm a bit of a curmudgeon, loose cannon, and tend to just want to get the job done in the most uncomfortable ways imaginable. It's like being a part of your very own buddy cop movie.
Alright, I added you to the list and threw you into all the games with an asterisk.
I like this idea.

I'm JakMan1997
I'll play Dead Nation, Resogun, Mercenary Kings, and Warframe.

I love co op, but have no one to play with, so this sounds great.

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