PSLS’ Morning Wood Ep. 072: Destiny Beta Impressions


PSLS Level: Kraken
PSLS Ambassador
On Morning Wood Episode 072, @Chandler Wood and @D'yani told us why Destiny might or might not be exciting, and @thewolfnears wrote an email asking about what was new on the current generation of consoles.

I've seriously gone from, "This game looks alright; it's kind of like World of Warcraft and Halo put together," to, "You know, this game is kind of fun." Things are a bit different for me at this point. After guest hosting on Bad Gamers Ep. 77, where I said something about the prices for special editions being not worth it, "They can keep them," I've now decided that the Digital Guardian Edition is in my future. I'm a bit of a first person shooter hater, but this game, at least from the First Look Alpha and Beta, seems to be a first person shooter done incredibly right.

New Stuff on PS4
I haven't played inFamous: Second Son, but the photo mode seems interesting. Maybe it isn't interesting enough for me to pick up either inFamous or The Last of Us on PS4, but it's still pretty nifty.

As for particle effects and the like - yes! There are all kinds of little shinies and beautifully rendered textures in some of the games I've played, most notably in ports like Flower and in Dynasty Warriors 8: XLCE. The DW game also fixed an franchise-old issue on the PS4 version - so many enemies can be rendered at once! I killed a swarm of enemies in the upwards of 700 with a musou attack in that game, which was never possible in prior entries on PS2 or PS3 (the enemies would just phase in once you had cleared enough from the screen; my friends and I call this the "Dynasty Warriors Ghosting Effect").


Console streaming / sharing are also some things that I've really been enjoying on PS4. If I'm unsure about a game, I check out Twitch / Ustream streams on my PS4 to see if something is worth playing. Some games aren't games that I would want to play anyway, but watching others play them has been a lot of fun for me. I also appreciate the interactive streams that allow me to scare people in Daylight or swarm them with powerups / enemies in Dead Nation. I like being able to plug videos of things that I've done, too. I previously mentioned that one of my friends had trouble with fighting legendary ships on AC4, so I was able to share a video on Facebook to help him out. That was awesome!

The play-as-you-download feature is cool, too. On launch day, the PSN was slow for a lot of people, so it was cool that I could partially download Killzone: Shadow Fall and start playing the campaign while the rest of it was downloading.

My most anticipated feature (c'mon, Sony!) is the one where we'll be able to take control of a friend's game to help them out when they're having trouble with a scenario. This will be great for my friends and me because of distance issues that prevent us from actually handing off the controller IRL.

extra life.jpg
Extra Life
Chandler, I'll look forward to helping you out with Extra Life soon. I'll leave a link on one of these recaps once I join. I'm feeling optimistic about Team PSLS this year. :D

Edit: Here is my link to Extra Life. :D
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Nice recap! Second Son might be worth picking up and running through once it's cheap somewhere. It's a fun game and that photo mode is super addictive.

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