Share Your Desktop/Wallpaper


PSLS Level: Bronze
Simple enough. Take a screencap of your desktop or just share the image you use for your current wallpaper. Feel free to share similar pics for your phone, PS3, etc. as well.

As for myself...


Had an FF XIV wallpaper up for the past couple months, so I guess it's about time for something new. With the weather finally showing signs of improving toward actual spring weather, I figured something spring-y was in order.
I dunno how to do a screen capture so I just got the file out.
I dunno about Macs, but if you're on a PC, it's the 'Print Screen' key. (The exact text on the key varies... It's right next to Scroll Lock.) That will copy your current screen, so just paste it into whatever image editing application you use and save it.
I dunno about Macs, but if you're on a PC, it's the 'Print Screen' key. (The exact text on the key varies... It's right next to Scroll Lock.) That will copy your current screen, so just paste it into whatever image editing application you use and save it.

Toshiba Laptop, so I wouldn't know how to do the screen shot, but luckily I still have the file
New month, new wallpaper. Since I plan on spending the month playing Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk, I went with this one. Got it a while ago, and was actually using it for a bit when I first got my current computer and hooked it up to my TV and whatnot, but I still really dig it. Plus, the warm, earthy tones are such a great way to get in the mood for spring. ^_^


Using a sticky note to try to plan the next few months of gaming, haha. I'd like to try to get through at least one whole game each month. Remember Me's still on there, but I'm almost done with it. (Last chapter, I believe.) I'm thinking of tackling (or at least trying to) all three Uncharted games over the summer, but I'm just not sure when I'll start that, so June-August are blank for now.
Great looking wallpaper @Chalryn . You know you game too much when you have to put up a sticky note to plan your gaming! haha
Kudos on the sakura theme! Rather tempted to do the same, but upon seeing this thread, I was reminded that, not only has it already been nearly a year since I played Atelier Ayesha, but I used a wallpaper of NCloud's while I played it. Since they made one for Atelier Escha & Logy as well, which I'm currently playing, I figured I may as well do the same for it (albeit setting it up a bit late).

In honor of Wolf of Wall Street. I actually custom made mine for wall art but I don't have the file anymore. Here is the idea of it though.


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