Surprisingly Addictive Games


PSLS Level: Bronze
Why have I not played this series before?

I spent 6 hours straight today just playing that game. A game hasn't grabbed me this tightly in a long time.
I just couldn't stop playing.

I never thought I would like this series that much. It seemed too big and overwhelming.
But, I am so hooked.

Has there been any games you guys have ever played that stuck it's claws in you and never let you go, when you previously thought you wouldn't like the game series at all?

Maybe a game that you just planned to try for a bit but became your most favorite game of all time.

Any interesting stories?
I have been playing Rogue Legacy in my spare time for the past three weeks or so. The last game where I felt this drawn into the story was The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth.
I have been playing Rogue Legacy in my spare time for the past three weeks or so. The last game where I felt this drawn into the story was The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth.

Rogue Legacy is a fantastic gem of a game. I was hooked on that for a while. Its great on Vita.

The same is true for The Binding of Isaac. Fantastic games.
Devil may cry 1-4 and sengoku basara. Highly addictive if you like hack and slash games

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