The Official PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection Thread (Updated 6/30/17)

Stephen Bitto

Staff member

Welcome to the Official PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection thread!

Recently, Sony has changed the way the instant game collection is offered to subscribers. The first major change is that all games appearing for the month will be announced ahead of time but only be available for the duration of that month. This means, for example, that July's free games will be downloadable on the first Tuesday of July and go away the first Tuesday of August. The second change is that the instant game collection most members have become familiar with is no more. No longer will a stable of titles be available indefinitely. The offering will be limited to the six games offered for that particular month. Lastly, the monthly collection will be split more evenly across Sony's three platforms (PS3, PS4, PSV). Two free games will be offered for each console every month.

While this doesn't necessarily mean subscribers get less content over the course of the year, they will have to be a a little more organized when it comes to downloading or queuing the free titles.

[Update] Sony is now offering cross-buy games in the Instant Game Collection meaning some games are playable across two or three PlayStation platforms.

Well there you have it! Enjoy!

July Instant Game Collection

Until Dawn - PS4
Game of Thrones - PS4
Tokyo Jungle - PS3
Darkstalkers Resurrection - PS3
Element4l- PS Vita
Don't Die, Mr. Robot - PS Vita

I will try to keep this thread updated every month with the new freebie titles as well as games you might have missed.
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