Throw in a 1TB HDD first thing?

Yeah I still remember when they first came out with flat screen televisions. They were ridiculously high priced.
Now they are so low priced companies can't really make a profit off of them anymore.

It's gonna be another how many years till the PS5 comes out for 4-8k resolution? XD
Now they are so low priced companies can't really make a profit off of them anymore.

It's gonna be another how many years till the PS5 comes out for 4-8k resolution? XD
It's ironic isn't it?

If I buy this, that's $100 less I have to put games on the system. The longer I wait the more of a pain in the ass it will be, but I can't afford to keep dumping money into the system... T_T

Maybe I'll just wait until I have a better job and then I'll throw in the hard drive. I want the 1TB HDD but... at the cost of 3-6 games?
It's ironic isn't it?

If I buy this, that's $100 less I have to put games on the system. The longer I wait the more of a pain in the ass it will be, but I can't afford to keep dumping money into the system... T_T

Maybe I'll just wait until I have a better job and then I'll throw in the hard drive. I want the 1TB HDD but... at the cost of 3-6 games?
To be honest there aren't that many games out for PS4 to spend a ton of money on. I have 18 so far and have only paid for about 6 of those. The rest have all been free to play, PS+ or Cross-buy titles that I already owned. I would go with the HDD as soon as possible to save a big headache later.
I'm awaiting the ONTRAC delivery guy now who is coming with my second DS4 controller and a 1TB hard drive at this moment.

I figure I'll download some games, seeing as how it's gonna take up that space whether it's on disc or not. Pre-ordered inFamous: Second Son, and already have AC4 and COD: Ghosts on there via the $10 upgrade from the PS3 digital copy, plus a few digital indie titles like Resogun, Contrast, Trine 2 and Flower. Dead Nation comes tomorrow, and that's just in the 1st several months of having the PS4.

So I'm definitely upgrading. When they release a 2TB one (rumored) then I'll be jumping on that one as well.
It's ironic isn't it?

If I buy this, that's $100 less I have to put games on the system. The longer I wait the more of a pain in the ass it will be, but I can't afford to keep dumping money into the system... T_T

Maybe I'll just wait until I have a better job and then I'll throw in the hard drive. I want the 1TB HDD but... at the cost of 3-6 games?
That is going to be my next hard drive for both my laptop and PS4, for sure! I think I paid around $100 for my 500 GB hybrid drive a few years ago.
All of the reports and tests I have seen have shown a significant improvement over a standard 5200 rpm drive. A 7200 rpm would give a significant upgrade as well.
I also put the Seagate Hybrid TB drive into my PS4 day one. After having 6 full games, 4 PSN games, 3 apps, 1 gb of captures, and saved data, I still have 667 gb of usable space. I couldn't imagine not having that extra space. In a year or two all that extra space will come in handy. Especially when all the games start dropping.

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