Vita Games in 2014: The Ultimate List

Thanks for this I hope you don't mind, but I used this information to make a calendar for all the confirmed release dates.

XML:[email protected]/public/basic

ICAL:[email protected]/public/basic.ics


Use the XML for feed readers, Ical for most calendar programs and the HTML for any web browser.

I'll try to keep this up to date with Borshay's list. Hopefully someone finds this useful.
A lot coming out this year. Sure it's a lot of indies, but I'd gladly take anyThing as long as it's fun. Also Borderlands 2 woot
Thanks for this I hope you don't mind, but I used this information to make a calendar for all the confirmed release dates.

I'll try to keep this up to date with Borshay's list. Hopefully someone finds this useful.

Nice! I've added most of those with release dates to the Vita's calender app. We really have no details on Q4 releases so I am expecting much more to be announced at a later date. I'm not a big believer in the whole "AAA vs Indie" thing.
To me a game is a game. The Last of Us was not some how more fun than Hotline Miami, they both kicked ass. A good game is a good game regardless of budget. If the indie games were priced at $60 than I'd see it more comparable but they're not.

As for the release list, should I go back and the January to March releases? Also thinking about adding links to the games announcements
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I gave up on waiting for borderlands 2, why pay for a game that can't do cross-play with the other systems. I can get more play out of it on my ps3.
As for the release list, should I go back and the January to March releases? Also thinking about adding links to the games announcements

I love me some indie games, so I don't really care whether the games are huge or not. In fact, I tend to prefer indie games since I can actually afford them xD. As for adding the games that have already been released, I don't think you need to do that. If the game is already out, then it would be shown in the store update pages and so on.

Well, if anyone else wants an easy way to add these dates to your vita's calendar try this.

Steps to add the calendar to Google calendar:

  1. go to and login.
  2. Click the Settings icon(gear) on the right and click settings.
  3. Click the calendars tab and click the "Browse interesting calendars" link.
  4. Click add via URL on the right and paste the ICAL link above.
  5. Click Add calendar.
Then just sync your google calendar to the vita's calendar app and you'll be good to go.
Great list with a couple of really cool looking games like Demon Gaze (should start playing it this weekend) and Mind Zero.
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Thanks for keeping up with this Borshay, have you heard anything about a borderlands 2 release date yet? I keep seeing different reports...
I haven't seen anything concrete. Most places are still saying a Spring (Q2) release. from what I heard the impressions from GDC were not the greatest. It seemed to run halfway decent but had really long load times.

Since its being bundled with the Vita 2000's debut they may be trying to get it running better before nailing themselves to a release date, forcing them to rush a broken game.

One game I'm kinda shocked we haven't heard anything about is Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus for Vita. Its been rated twice by the ESRB and you can see its a shared trophy list between PS3/PSVita yet nothing has officially been announced.

Ratchet's different ratings
October 2nd, 2013
December 5th, 2013
February 25th, 2014

Just to not double post:
Soul Sacrifice Delta has been rated for the AU
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