What's your favorite genre? Why?

Racing is #1, mostly because I am a racing fanatic. I like just about every kind of racing game wether it is arcade or sim. Sports Car mixed class endurance is my favorite type of real world racing.

RPG's are a very close second. The Suikoden series is my favorite series of RPG's. I love a good story with good characterization but I also love many of the game play mechanics of RPGs. Most, sadly, are missing from modern day rpg's :(

I would also add "arcade shmups" but sadly they are few and far between today. Resogun scratches that itch somewhat, and is fantastic in its own right, but still is not the same thing. Mars Matrix is one of the shmups I remember from my local arcade that I would cash out 20's to play.
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For me, it would to go to rhythm games. My reason for this is because most, if not all of them, tend to not have a story, allowing them to focus on the gameplay, which to me is more important in a video game. There is also something satisfying about pulling off a perfect play/ full combo in a given song (especially if that song happens to be hard). It also introduces me to new songs or allows me to see songs I enjoy in a different way (focus on instruments instead of lyrics or vise-versa, put more emphasis on an instrument). Some also make great party games.

A super close second would be puzzle games. It usually feels great solving a puzzle or lasting a long time in the game, depending on the game of course. It makes me feel accomplished for achieving what they wanted me to do. It also keeps me thinking on how to solve something if I am stuck or how to fix it if I screw up.
Oh this is a bad question for me... because I do not have just one.
my top three would have to be...

RPG FPS and Strategy games But that being said... I play pretty much all the genres out there....

I enjoy Puzzle, TPS, City Building, and so on... For sports games I buy one of each for one generation so One hockey one football one basketball and baseball.

That said... I am not very good at gaming, it is like a curse.

One genre that I am not a fan of is Horror games... I don't buy those...
Oh this is a bad question for me... because I do not have just one.
my top three would have to be...

RPG FPS and Strategy games But that being said... I play pretty much all the genres out there....

I enjoy Puzzle, TPS, City Building, and so on... For sports games I buy one of each for one generation so One hockey one football one basketball and baseball.

That said... I am not very good at gaming, it is like a curse.

One genre that I am not a fan of is Horror games... I don't buy those...

I both love and hate horror games. Cant wait for Evil Within and the new Silent hill.

Have you played Civilization V? I loved the first few but haven't played one in years. Now that V is a few years old its $20 in stores. I was thinking of picking it up.
I both love and hate horror games. Cant wait for Evil Within and the new Silent hill.

Have you played Civilization V? I loved the first few but haven't played one in years. Now that V is a few years old its $20 in stores. I was thinking of picking it up.

Yes I play a lot of Civ V. I would pick it up if I were you. For the price you can get it off of steam on one of their sales is excellent.

I have Civ v and the expansion Gods and Kings. I have not been able to get the third expansion but I am planning on getting it during the next steam sale.

Civ V is great it is great for new comers as well because it really plays to both new comers to the series and CIV veterans.

The online play is really good as well... I have played that more then a few times with friends..

I find the expansion Gods and kings change the game play for the better and it seems to tell you the truth more complete.

Your money will not be wasted... and if you do get it and are interested in playing online let me know.

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