XSEED Games Wants Feedback on Localizing Akiba's Trip! [+Poll]

What should the protagonist's sister call him in Akiba's Trip?

  • Brotag

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Brotaku

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


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XSEED Games on Twitter this morning decided to take a poll on the localization of a personal title on Akiba's Trip.

OK, so it's time for a poll. I talked about this on a few message forums, and it's been the source of much debate. What will you guys think? In Akiba's Trip, the little sister refers to you as "Niini," a cutesy form of the word for "big brother." Literally, "Brobro." Her personality is a unique one, however -- self-referential and obsessively otaku is the name of the game. She's also aware that you're the protagonist of the game. So in English, we've chosen to translate this as "Brotag." Some people seem to love it, some seem to hate it. What do you think? Note that leaving it as "Niini" is not an option. One way or another, it will be translated! The question is, to what?

Some really funny suggestions were made in reply to the tweet, too:

So what do you guys think? Is Brotag acceptable? Why can't they use Niinii? Should Brotaku be the new golden standard for English dubs? Let me know what you think! You can reply to their tweet @XSEEDGames
I'm trying to figure out why Big Bro isn't on their list. It would be nearly a direct translation. The lingo above is just highly unappealing.

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