Your favorite Xbox 360 games!


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I know this thread is odd coming from me but I did own a 360 for about 3 or 4 months so HA! I would be putting Eternal Sonata on this list but it finally released on the PS3.

Last Remant
This game had so much potential and so many good things going for it that was sadly destroyed by the framerate issues and graphical issues. The battle system was easily one of the best I have ever seen in an RPG and is really the main reason I kept playing it and that it is even here on my list of best 360 games.

Lost Odyssey
This game was pure beauty and had a very good story that took a whole 3 or 4 discs to tell!! It really was a fun RPG with a good combat system and mostly not annoying characters.

Left 4 Dead
Just a fun game with multiplayer done right. A game I would have really liked to have seen on the PS3 because truthfully Sony had no game that really compared to this.
Left 4 Dead 1 and 2
Amazing co-op game, spent so much time playing the title. Just a ton of fun with friends.

Mass Effect
The original reason that I purchased an Xbox 360, and I loved every minute of it. The game still to this day is one of my top 5 titles ever. The game took a much more RPG approach with customization and exploration approach than Mass Effect 2 and 3.

Crackdown 2
People bash this game. But co-op, this game is perfect. I cannot wait for the rumored Crackdown 3.

Lost Odyssey
Amazing RPG, new graphics with old school approach, and the fighting style is great.

Infinite Undiscovery
Many people hated this game, but it is one of my top RPG's of last gen. Yes it had a ton of bugs and issues, but it is one of those games that I loved from start to finish.
Crackdown - I just loved this game, it wasn't too serious, however it offered a decent challenge as well.
Blue Dragon - I really would like to see a console sequel to this
Lost Odyssey - Best Final Fantasy of Last Generation
Gears of War 1/2/3 - Put a new take one console shooters, plus the coop was awesome
Forza 2/3/4 - Forza really took the reigns from Sony on last gen racing, i loved GT but 5 was late to the party and 6 should just waited for the PS4
Mass Effect 1 - Deserves to be here as it was 360 only for so long and it built into such a great franchise. One of my favorite games.
Crackdown - I just loved this game, it wasn't too serious, however it offered a decent challenge as well.
Blue Dragon - I really would like to see a console sequel to this
Lost Odyssey - Best Final Fantasy of Last Generation
Gears of War 1/2/3 - Put a new take one console shooters, plus the coop was awesome
Forza 2/3/4 - Forza really took the reigns from Sony on last gen racing, i loved GT but 5 was late to the party and 6 should just waited for the PS4
Mass Effect 1 - Deserves to be here as it was 360 only for so long and it built into such a great franchise. One of my favorite games.
I never tried out Blue Dragon. I've seen it for sale at GameStop for so cheap. Maybe I should give it a look.
Of titles I've actually played (albeit on PC)... Alan Wake.

From what I've heard, Tales of Vesperia would probably be on my list, but since we never got the PS3 port (bah!), I haven't played it. ...Did I mention I don't own a 360? 'Cause I don't. Hooray for Steam (and PC ports in general)!

The Last Remnant is one more I've got on PC, but have yet to really play, so the word is still out on that one. ToV is probably the only 360-exclusive that I'm interested in, that wasn't ported to PC. ...Still kinda annoyed that we never got the PS3 port. -_-
As far as games I had the opportunity to play would be Gears 1-3 and Modern Warfare 2. I kinda came to the console market a bit late in their production lives. So I probably missed out on a few good ones.

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